STRATEGIC BEHAVIOURAL EMOTIONAL ME MY ORGANISATION MY CONSTITUENCY AGENDA SCOPE Recently you answered some questions about leadership. This explains why we asked the questions, what your results might mean and how you can use them. We are using a model with 9 boxes to look at leaders and ‘position’ them - are you an emerging leader, or an established leader? Are you a more experienced, senior leader or someone who has just taken on a new leadership role? The nine boxes are on the right. They look at you, your organisation (or the work you do if you are self employed) and the area in which you work (your constituency). They also look at what you feel (emotional), what you do (behavioural) and how you work with the bigger picture (strategic). This model was developed by Mark Wright, People Create for CLP.
STRATEGICBEHAVIOURALEMOTIONAL ME MY ORGANISATION MY CONSTITUENCY AGENDA SCOPE These ‘boxes’ focus on you as an individual - how you feel, respond and think about yourself These ‘boxes’ focus on you in your organisation (or your work if you are self employed - how well do you influence the work that is done? These ‘boxes’ focus on the bigger picture - the sector you work in, the people you can influence and lead who are outside of any specific job or workplace
STRATEGICBEHAVIOURALEMOTIONAL ME MY ORGANISATION MY CONSTITUENCY AGENDA SCOPE These ‘boxes’ focus on strategy - thinking widely and clearly about what needs to be done to effect change and make a difference These ‘boxes’ focus on your behaviour - what you do and how skilled you are to do the things that are required of you at each level These ‘boxes’ focus on the emotional aspects of the work you do - how you feel about it, how open you are about what you feel
STRATEGICBEHAVIOURALEMOTIONAL ME MY ORGANISATION MY CONSTITUENCY What is my vision for the future? What needs to be in place for me to be a thought leader? How will my clients, customers, audience, suppliers experience my leadership? How do I lead and exceed expectations in relationships? How do I create advocates and ambassadors amongst our clients? How do I lead in the marketplace? With my clients and suppliers? How do they want to be treated? How do I want them to treat me/us? What are the “red lines” around integrity, mission creep etc? What are my core drivers, motivators and beliefs? How do I respond when these are threatened? What is the authentic me? How congruent is my organisation with my beliefs? How do others support or destroy my sense of integrity, authenticity etc? Can I be myself at work? Can others? When am I most productive? What do I want around me? Who do I work most effectively with? Who positively challenges me? How do I want to share and receive information? What is my personal plan? What are my development needs? What journey do I really want to be on and what needs to be in place? What are our cultural modes and conventions we want? How do we formally and informally communicate? How do we reward, develop and challenge each other? How will this organisation maintain its relevance? How will we adapt and grow in changing circumstances? What leadership qualities do we need to see? AGENDA SCOPE The questions you were asked fit into the matrix.
Visual mapping For each section, your answers can be used to ‘colour in’ the matrix. You should have been sent your coloured grid alongside this handout. GREEN is for those areas you answer easily and confidently ORANGE is for those areas you feel are more stretching for you RED is for those are where you think you need more work You can use this information to help you prioritise - are you stronger in some columns or rows than others? What would you need to work on to colour more in green? Are there areas that you need to work on sooner than others? An example grid
EMERGING LEADERMID-CAREER LEADERNEW CHIEF EXEC/ NEW ROLE IN SELF EMPLOYMENT ESTABLISHED LEADERSENIOR LEADER Visual mapping illustrations Some ‘patterns’ are more indicative of particular levels of leadership than others. Which does yours look most like? We will be looking to see if yours changes throughout the programme.