Learning Learning Learning Languages Jeanne Gilbert School Support Services University of Waikato
Ko tōu reo Ko tōku reo Te tuakiri tangata Tīhei uriuri Tīhei nakonako Your voice My voice It is an expression of identity Behold, the message and the messenger
Changing Stations with Harry Potter Personalising Learning Personalising Learning Differentiated learning Differentiated learning Learning centres Learning centres
Session Objectives Session Objectives Teachers will have an opportunity to learn and/or up-skill their knowledge about research and strategies related to personalising learning Teachers will have an opportunity to learn and/or up-skill their knowledge about research and strategies related to personalising learning Teachers will learn and / or practise new target language Teachers will learn and / or practise new target language Teachers will participate in experiential learning ie they will learn about student- centred learning by working in a number of learning centres Teachers will participate in experiential learning ie they will learn about student- centred learning by working in a number of learning centres
Differentiated learning: usually consists of usually consists of three levels of learning three levels of learning within an activity within an activity
Layered Curriculum - Dr. Kathie F. Nunley Layered Curriculum - Dr. Kathie F. Nunleyhttp://
What's In a Layer? C Layer : Basic knowledge, understanding. The student builds on his/her current level of core information. B Layer : Application or manipulation of the information learned in the C layer. Problem solving or other higher level thinking tasks can be placed here. A Layer : Critical Thinking and Analysis. This layer requires the highest and most complex thought. Basic knowledge, understanding. The student builds on his/her current level of core information. B Layer : Application or manipulation of the information learned in the C layer. Problem solving or other higher level thinking tasks can be placed here. A Layer : Critical Thinking and Analysis. This layer requires the highest and most complex thought.
What is a Learning Center? Michael OpitzMichael Opitz: l/backtoschool/learning_center.htm) Michael Opitz
For me, a learning center is a small area within the classroom where students work alone or interact with others, using instructional materials to explore one or more subject areas. It is a place where a variety of activities introduce, reinforce, and/or extend learning, often without the assistance of the classroom teacher. For me, a learning center is a small area within the classroom where students work alone or interact with others, using instructional materials to explore one or more subject areas. It is a place where a variety of activities introduce, reinforce, and/or extend learning, often without the assistance of the classroom teacher.
The Process Aims and Goals Planning, planning, planning Management Tips Learning Centres Assessment and Evaluation
Ideas for Learning Centres Reader’s Centre Vocabulary Centre Computer Centre Guided Writing (writing tasks) (writing tasks) Creative Art Centre (shaping) (shaping) Guided Reading Language Game Writing Centre Listening Post Conversational Centre (drama, role play) Centre (drama, role play) Interaction – listening + speaking
Management Tips Task management board and / or Activity log For checklist of For checklist of skills and concepts
Task Management Tips Have whole class together first for instructions Show class Task Management Board or Activity Log Organise groups and duration of time (or not) Groups can be social, random or teacher selected Activities could last whole period or part of a period Activities can be at different levels of difficulty Specific Learning Outcomes for activities must be clear (and relate to AOs) Reporting back time at end of lesson is REALLY IMPORTANT
Example of Task Management Board Reader’s Centre R, W: Individual work or think, pair, share tasks Read and add new vocab + structures to reading log - share Vocabulary Centre L, S, W: Group work using vocab cards Activities (cards) to practise new vocab Computer Centre R, L - ICT Individual or pair work Use software to practise new vocab + structures Guided Writing L, S, R, W: Pair/group work Writing activity task sheets – self marking
Example of Task Management Board Guided Reading eg booklet L, S, R, + shaping + thinking - Pair work Read, share and practice new vocab. Do some maths! Vocabulary / New Structure Activity Eg running dictation L, S, R, W Pair work, Relating to one another L1 + L2 literacies This is an activity that incorporates listening, speaking, reading, writing and editing. Interaction Eg matching cards L, S, R Thinking Pair work using vocab + structure cards This is an activity (cards) to practise new vocab and structures. Writing Eg poetry (L, S,) R, W: Pair work + individual thinking This is a creative writing activity.
Example of Activity Log Topic: introducing yourself and others Curriculum links: 1.4 communicate about personal information such as name, age, nationality and home 2.5 communicate about physical characteristics, personality and feelings Station Activities – work with a partner AOLSRW Something I learned or was reminded of I’ve checked my work Partner check Teacher’s signature 1 Match the phrases with the pictures. Take turns with your partner to read them aloud 2.5R,S 2 Decide who partner ‘A’ and who partner ‘B’ is … 2.5S,W 3 Guess who? Qui est-ce? Devine! 2.5S,R
Example of Activity Log Topic: Harry Potter’s World Curriculum links: 1.4 communicate about personal information such as name, age, nationality and home 2.5 (F+G) communicate about physical characteristics, personality and feelings Station Activities – work with a partner LSRWPCKprinciplesKCs words and structures you still need help with Describe your learning today. What helped you learn? What will you have to do next? Partner check / Teacher’s signature 1 Running dictation L,S, R,W, relating 2 Making a booklet S,R, shaping thinking 3 Matching Cards L,S,Rrelating
Example of Activity Log Topic: introducing yourself and others Curriculum links: 1.4 communicate about personal information such as name, age, nationality and home 2.5 communicate about physical characteristics, personality and feelings Station Activities – work with a partner AOLSRWDifficultyTime Partner check Teacher’s signature 1 Match the phrases with the pictures. Take turns with your partner to read them aloud 2.5R,S* 10 mins 2 Decide who partner ‘A’ and who partner ‘B’ is … 2.5S,W** 15 mins 3 Guess who? Qui est-ce? Devine! 2.5S,R*** 15 mins
Reporting Back - oral or written: Possible Teacher Questions / Learning prompts: Explain to the others what your group did today. Or: Explain what you did in the xxx centre What did you learn today? What will you have to do next to remember / use this learning? Do you have any advice for the next group?
Ongoing evaluation of Learning Centres Use feedback and feedforward from teachers AND students ie analyse and evaluate activities AND learning Synthesise and/or create new resources new resources
References Making Meaningful Links – Kerri Thomas, Audrey Ulrich, AFMLTA Conference 2001 Addressing the Diversity of Learning in a Year 9 Second Language Class – course notes Noeline Grant 2003 Catering for Different learning Needs Beltz 1978 – adapted by Ulrike Handke 2001 Multilevel Tabloid Activities – translated and adapted from a presentation at NZALT Conference by Friederike Cichon 1998 – Jeanne Gilbert 2001 Accelerated Learning in the Classroom – Alistair Smith Learning to Think. Thinking to Learn – Michael Pohl 2000 Inside the Black Box – Black and Williams 1998 Assessment For Learning – some practical strategies – Geoff Moore 2002 Free translations, 20 languages Harry Potter wiki site: