Drakies and North Kessock Holiday Club Blog Update Week 1 & 2
What have we been up to…. We’ve been very busy, planting, kite making, junk modelling, dancing, having Harry Potter and Disney days. Enjoying lots of outdoor play during the nice spells of weather and the downpours, even the rain won’t spoil our fun. The girls and boys have had great fun giving eachother makeovers and nail painting.
A big well done to our winner of our lego building competition with his fantastic creation.
First Aid We’d like to thank Fran and Iona from Hi-mats for coming in to teach us all about First Aid. The children loved it, learning how to react from minor injuries to an emergency. We played a True/False quiz and learnt how to improvise and make slings out of belts, tights, scarves random items we may have to hand when we don’t have a sling.
General Knowledge Quiz Laura won with 34 points Green and Blue teams tied second place with 30 points With Rebecca coming next with 29 points, just missing out on joint second as she forgot our very own planet Earth was in our solar system. Followed by Yellow, Pink and Orange teams. Well done to everyone who took part!
Thank you Rebecca for painting our faces…
Disney Quiz The Brill Blues won with 30 points, getting 2 bonus points for knowing Merida from Braves brothers wee triplets. Tracy came in second place with 29 points forgetting Dopey the dwarf. Team Billionairre followed in third place with 27 points. Followed by Ice Power, Rebecca, The Quiz Masters and The Good. Well Done to all for taking part!
Thank you from everyone from Drakies and North Kessock for watching. Drakies: North Kessock:-