Response: Why do you think people responded in this way to the vote? Grammar: Combine the following sentences: There were also reports of racist graffiti scrawled on a Polish community center in Hammersmith, west London. The Metropolitan Police Service said it was investigating the claim. Vocabulary: Choose a vocabulary word from your previous notes and write a complete sentence using that word the vocabulary word.
Opening Activity 5 paragraph essay Outline and discussion Trials Homework finish 1- 3 RAP sheet Read chapter 4-6 by Thursday and RAP
I can write a five paragraph essay with evidence to support my claim.
The introductory paragraph should also include the thesis statement, a kind of mini-outline for the essay. This is where the writer grabs the reader's attention. It tells the reader what the paper is about. The last sentence of this paragraph must also include a transitional "hook" which moves the reader to the first paragraph of the body of the essay.
* It makes a clear and specific statement. * It indicates the direction of your thoughts. * It clearly states your claim or position * It provides structure. * It is supported by the body paragraphs. * It makes a clear and specific statement. * It indicates the direction of your thoughts. * It clearly states your claim or position * It provides structure. * It is supported by the body paragraphs.
© Presto Plans Common Thesis Statement Problems Announce your thesis: “In this essay, I am going to tell you about Mackenzie College and why you should go there.” Confuse your reader: Make sure that the topic and point are clear. Make it a fact: Doesn’t allow you to prove anything because it’s already factual. Be Vague: Words like “good,” “bad,” “right,” and “wrong,” don’t convey specific meaning. Make it a question: “Don’t you think animal testing is inhumane?” Does not give the point of the paper. Leaves it open for readers to fill in the blank. Do Not Do The Following:
© Presto Plans Types Of Thesis Statements: Persuasive A persuasive paper makes a claim based on opinion, evaluation, or interpretation about a topic and proves this claim with specific evidence. A persuasive thesis statement attempts to convince the reader of something!
© Presto Plans …But How Do I Write A Thesis Statement? A Thesis Statement generally consists of two main parts 1.Your topic 2.The analysis, explanation, or assertion, that you’re making about the topic.
© Presto Plans Types Of Thesis Statements: Persuasive Persuasive thesis example: High school graduates should be required to take a year off to pursue community service projects before entering college in order to increase their maturity and global awareness.
This paragraph should include the strongest argument, most significant example, cleverest illustration, or an obvious beginning point. The subject for this paragraph should be in the first or second sentence. This subject should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The last sentence in this paragraph should include a transition that signals the reader that this is the final major point being made in this essay.
Topic Sentence Evidence from the text Commentary Transition Commentary Evidence from the text Commentary Transition Commentary Concluding Sentence
[Topic Sentence] In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, J.K. Rowling suggests through her portrayal of Hagrid that appearance can be misleading. [Supporting Details] Although he is one of the most loved characters in the Harry Potter universe, his initial confrontation with Harry strikes intimidation in the young boy’s heart. The narrator notes that Hagrid’s face is “almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild, tangled beard,” and his eyes, “glint[ing] like black beetles,” peer down at Harry (Rowling 46). [Explanation] Harry’s anxiety seeps through the page as he is confronted by an intimidating figure, and because this description paints such a scary picture, the reader might expect Hagrid to be a rather frightening person as the book progresses. [Significance] This initial description, however, is contrasted by Hagrid’s true character. Besides serving as a trusted informant to Dumbledore and a crucial ally to Harry and his friends, Hagrid displays an immense compassion for animals, an affection so powerful it sometimes reduces the giant to tears. [Conclusion/Transition] Hagrid’s humble actions and earnest compassion show that appearances can be misleading, a theme that many characters mirror in the book.
The fifth paragraph is the summary paragraph. It is important to restate the thesis and the supporting idea in an original and powerful way