1.Theoretical Perspective 2.Why Positive Engagament can affect Peacebuilding regime 3.The North Korean case 4.Conclusions
Positive Engagament The positive version of sanctions Prevent a hostile behavior Stop a hostile behavior Positive externalities Confidence Building Measures Peacebuilding
Stick and Carrots: theoretical perspective Positive Engagement approaches are based on inducements rather than sanctions Lack of attentions by realist theories Theoretical foundations based on the Complex Interdependence Theory
Complex Interdependence Multiple Channels that connect the different actors No rigid hierarchy among issues and more issues to be included in the agenda Reduced role of military power
Conditional and Unconditional Engagament No longer only a logic of containment but also a constructive idea of reciprocity using positive incentives rather than sanctions and threats 1.Conditional Engagement – quid pro quo logic 2.Unconditional Engagament – incentives provided before
Why going unconditionally? 1.Temporal sequence reasons 2.Creation of a minimum level of confidence 3.Creation of interdependence 4.Creation of dependence: Asymmetrical Power
Positive Externalities Confidence Building Measures and Peacebuilding “Peacebuilding involves a range of measures targeted to reduce the risk of lapsing or relapsing into conflict by strengthening national capacities at all levels for conflict management, and to lay the foundations for sustainable peace and development. Peacebuilding strategies must be coherent and tailored to specific needs of the country concerned, based on national ownership, and should comprise a carefully prioritized, sequenced, and therefore relatively narrow set of activities aimed at achieving the above objectives” The UN Secretary General’s Policy Committee, 2007
Actors, means and Issues Governments, International Organizations, NGOs, Private Institutions Security and Defense, Economic inducements, Humanitarian aid, political inducements, etc… Extension of considered issues: Economy, Human Rights, Diplomacy, Security
Economic Relations Economic Cooperation (win-win) Liberal theory of interdependence Prelude to the creation of links in political areas Asymmetrical Power and dependence
Humanitarian aid and Human Rights Highly controversial points Humanitarian aid should be linked to other issues related to human rights? Based on National Ownership and relatively narrow Emphasis on human rights can interfere with other aspects of peacebuilding?
Diplomacy and Security Multilateral and bilateral negotiations Creation of a minimum level of trust International Recognition Participation in Internaional Organizations and access to financial assistance Confidence and Security Building Measures (exchange of informations, regular talks, etc…)
North Korea case Primary actors involved: focus on inter- korean relations Sunshine Policy and Policy of Peace and Prosperity as an example of Positive Engagement
Focus on the medium and long term Use of different kind of inducements emphasis on economic inducements Multiple channels to provide the incentives Sensible reduction of levels of tension on the korean peninsula Several forms of dialogues at different levels
Main Critics Weak policy of appeasement Waste of money without practical results Scarse response from North Korean government Reduce of South Korean security Low levels of controls on the humanitarian aid Human Rights issue Nuclear Issue
Evaluations and Conclusions Reduction of tensions and possibility of conflicts on the korean peninsula Foundations for a sustainable development and peace regime Positive outcomes for Peacebuilding from positive engagement approaches