1 Challenge 3: Agfa Monitoring Framework – Deep look into Applications Challenge owner: Christian Dewald
2 Challenge 3 Hook your app / device into the Agfa Monitoring Cloud Provide relevant in-depth status information of your application via the Agfa Monitoring Framework Interface, thus getting it to the cloud Synthesize metrics for a deeper understanding of the solution’s operational status Implement the Agfa Monitoring Framework Interface for your application Work with the Agfa Monitoring Framework to visualize the data you provided in a meaningful way
3 Challenge 3 Exposing your data to the Monitoring A simple XML document is used to exchange the data. This is what your app has to render for the Agfa Monitoring Framework OK Systems are nominal Sector 1.1 OK\nSector 1.2 OK 3
4 Challenge 3 Exposing your data to the Monitoring The XML Document can for example be fetched by the Agfa Monitoring via a web service you are providing. In this case the Monitoring would poll a URL where you are providing the document An even more simplistic approach would be for your app to just write the XML data in a file on the local file system AMF Server Your AppServer
5 Challenge 3 What will be provided for you at the agfahack A sandbox environment with a live Agfa Monitoring Framework installation Help in attaching your solution to the Agfa Monitoring Framework installation Providing dashboards and views making the data you are providing visible Help and instructions in setting up views and dashboards, getting in touch with the Agfa Monitoring Framework
6 Links Healthcare Wiki Healthcare Wiki Agfahack OMD (log on as user: agfahack pw: agfahack) Agfahack OMD Agfahack website Agfahack website