Sales POV: Digital Customer Services Platform Presented by Michael Bommer
The Challenge of the Digital Transformation Digital is a lifestyle not a technology…and customers are changing their behaviour faster than companies can evolve. SIMPLICITYOMNIPRESENCE CONTENT INTELLIGENCE SEAMLESSIMMEADIACY EXPERIENCE RELEVANCE Customer Expectations
Omni-Channel is a Problem not a solution.... No company started out building a contact center for Facebook and then customers started communicating to them there… the csutomers simply choose to communicate to them on Facebook because it was a convenient place for them to do so!!
Messaging is the way people do communicate everyday, everywhere *from the strategy presentation of a financial services customer
The Messaging Difference A New Generation of Customer Care Professionals Time back to consumer and CCP A focus on relationships Conversations last hours, with several short interactions Asynchronous – message at your convenience Over time, Messaging is more efficient than Voice and Chat
Closed Loop Human and AI Assistance Feedback Loop Was the topic accurate? Case solved? Intent Consumer Info Consumer History Engagement Data & Media Feedback Loop Could this be solved by self service? What was the conversation topic? Hello, I need to change my address Human Representative Self-Service Bot
When you do Intent Consumer Info Consumer History Engagement Data & Media Hello, I need to change my address Cost Coverage Availability Experience Connection Complexity Compliance Human Representative Self-Service Bot
When you transfer Intent Consumer Info Consumer History Engagement Data & Media Hello, I need to change my address Risk Value Teach Digital Value Human Representative Self-Service Bot
When you do “Address change” Silver, 40, England Money transfer 10k Contacting from mobile Human Representative Self-Service Bot Hello, I need to change my address Address Change Fall Back: Skill Silver, English Update Personal Data
Reduced Operational Challenge chat messaging phonecalls *Based on 8000 in 24h
Continued Service Innovation at Y-Bank Messaging: Asynchronous text-based interaction between Y-Bank and its customers which spans devices and channels 2017 Vision “Messaging” replaces & chat interactions across all of Y-Bank’s digital properties creating 100% availability of agent-assisted digital interaction with Y-Bank Long-Term Vision As it grows in scale, “messaging” will incorporate predictive capabilities, artificial intelligence, human interaction, and partnerships with other messaging platforms in order to meet all customer expectations Card Member Point-of-View “As a customer, when I can’t / don’t want to self-service with Y- Bank, I want to be able to have a conversation when and where I want to, across devices, just like messaging with my friends and family on iMessage, WhatsApp, or FB Messenger.” 2017 Vision One digital conversation with Y-Bank Synced across web and mobile platforms Continuous (not session based like today) Strategic Alignment Natural progression of extreme service from 24x7 phone and high chat availability Ownable, marketable equity “Pioneer” status still available
Pre 2016 The Messaging Journey 1H 20162H 20161H 2017Beyond 24x7 chat coverage 90% availability in Help Center Redesign of Secure Messaging Center (SMC) Launch LiveEngage platform Introduce mobile messaging Proactive “conversion” chat “Messaging”, No , No “chat, 100% availability Forecast and manage response time / SLAs instead of availability Device Agnostic Artificial Intelligence Predicting response complexity: Agents handle high- complexity, chatbots handle low-complexity Secure partner with other platforms: FB Messenger, etc. 30 years: 24x7 phone service 20 years: 10 years: chat and servicing 4 years: social servicing 2 years: mobile chat Channel/Devise Silos Session-based Transactional Expense Savings Device-agnostic Continuous Relationship Brand Equity Omni-presence +Availability+Value
Material Automation one-pager Open API’s Use case presentation Messaging business case presentation