Topic Overview This term, our topic is called ‘Global Gardens’. This topic explores plants and growing things. We will find out about plant cycles and.


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Presentation transcript:

Topic Overview This term, our topic is called ‘Global Gardens’. This topic explores plants and growing things. We will find out about plant cycles and the different types of plants that grow around the world. The children will investigate the history of different plant-based products and the global context of different foods. We will also use plants or plant based products as inspiration for our art projects Geography and History Using maps and atlases, we will develop our place knowledge and an understanding of the key human and physical features of a rainforest and gardens around the world. We will investigate the history of sugar, salt and chocolate, developing an understanding of chronology and sequencing events on a timeleine. Science We will learn about different types of plants and what they need to grow. We will find out about different plants that we can eat. We will investigate the plants and animals that can be found in a South American rainforest. Spiritual, Moral & Personal We will find out how Christians around the world celebrate Easter and compare this to how Easter is celebrated in our own country. We will find out about the Jewish festival of Passover. We will explore what it means to be a friend and how we get along with each other successsfully. Global Gardens Year 2 Spring Term 2015 – Mrs Palmer Art, Design & Technology We will use salt to create our own salt paintings and do some cooking with chocolate! We will find out about the artist Monet and look at some of his garden paintings. Computing We will use technology purposefully to create our own non fiction reports. Music The focus will be team work and working together to create music. P.E Dance, Throwing and catching English Non Fiction - We will look at a range of books, including an interactive book that explores the story of chocolate and how cholcolate is produced. We will use this as the basis of our own non – chronological report writing. Fiction - Charlie and the Chocolate factory. We will explore character description and setting before writing a short story of our own. Spelling and Grammar – see overleaf for the focus of our spelling this term. Mathematics See separate sheet Learning & Thinking The children will ask their own questions. They will judge the value of the information they find out through research. They will communicate their ideas verbally and visually. Social Skills The children will work collaboratively. They will have to negotiate, respecting roles within the group and they will have to resolve conflicts as they arise.

Objective 1Objective 2Objective 3Objective 4 Suffixes beginning with a vowel Investigate how the spelling of words ending in a consonant changes when suffixes like ‘-ed’, ‘- ing’, ‘-er’ and ‘-est’ are added examples hike hiking hiker nice nicer nicest Suffixes beginning with a vowel 2 Investigate how the spelling of words ending in a ‘y’ or an ‘e’ changes when suffixes like ‘-ed’, ‘- ing’, ‘-er’ and ‘-est’ are added examples copy copied happy happier happiest Homophones Investigate the meanings and spellings of common homophones and near- homophones examples to/two/too their/they’re/there hour/our bear/bare where/wear The /dʒ/ sound Investigate when to use the different spellings of the /dʒ/ sound examples badge edge bridge age huge gem giraffe jacket jar Year 2 - Spring Term - Key spelling objectives we will be working on in class