Unit #9 Tip of the week— If a word ends in y and is preceded by a consonant, usually the y is changed to i when adding suffixes not starting with i. exceptions – dryness, fryer
Academic Verbs— 3) connote to imply something else or have an additional meaning The word childlike can connote innocence. 4) denote to mean something specific or literal A red octagonal sign denotes a place to stop.
Commonly misspelled words— 5) arrogance ar + ro + gance 6) righteous right + e + ous
Roots/prefixes/suffixes— itis = inflammation audi = to hear bell = war cap/cep(t) = to take
7) tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils 8) auditory related to hearing 9) belligerent hostile, warlike 10) intercept to take between
Commonly confused words— 11) does (v.) Does that song annoy you? 12) dose (n. or v.) The doctor gave him a dose of medicine.