Prefix/Suffix Spelling Rules
Prefix Spelling Rules The spelling of the base word never changes. – Example: un + happy = unhappy The spelling of the prefix never changes. – Example: polygon, polygraph, polyester Be aware that double letters can occur. – Example: un + natural = unnatural Watch out for prefix look-alikes. – Example: re is not a prefix in real or reach. Just as un is not a prefix in uncle.
Suffix Spelling Rules Usually, the spelling of both the suffix and root word stay the same. – Example: care + ful = careful For one syllable words ending in a single consonant, you double the last letter before adding the suffix. – Example: run + ing = running; sun +y = sunny – If it ends in more than one consonant, you do not double the last letter. – Example: pump + ed = pumped; sing + ing=singing
More Suffix Spelling Rules For more than one syllable words that end in l, you double the l before adding the suffix. – Example: travel + ing = travelling; cancel + ed = cancelled When the word ends in “y” you change it to “I”. – Example: happy + ness = happiness; – The exception is if there is an “I” at the beginning of the suffix you are adding. For example: copy + ing = copying as “ing” already begins with an “I” you do not want to repeat the “I”