Welcome to Year 2
Reading Guided reading in small groups 1x week at least. Modelled, shared and independent reading within lessons. Text analysis & reading comprehension. Individual reading & reading at home. Key skills: Developing their inferential skills, ie reading between the lines. Continue using a range of decoding skills (picture clues, phonic knowledge, sentence substitution). To help support your child’s reading development utilise the assessment focus aims at the front of the reading journal.
Ways to support writing Independence for sustained pieces of writing. Provide plenty of opportunities for writing at home, ie shopping lists, messages, letters Discuss daily writing activities Handwriting and presentation.
SPAG (Spelling, punctuation and grammar) End of Year 2 expectations. Consolidation of capitals letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, commas in lists, adjectives, conjunctions, contractions, expanded noun phrases Understanding sentences as statements, questions & commands Conjunctions for coordination (or, and, but) subordination (when, if, because) Key vocabulary children should be using: noun, noun phrase, statement, question, exclamation, command, suffix, adjective, adverb, verb, tense (past, present) apostrophe, comma
Spelling More frequent spelling lessons in Year Two following a spelling program. More emphasis on school based teaching of patterns. Ways you can help at home ~ Common exception words. Suffixes –ment, -ness, ful, -less, -ly Homework corrections.
Handwriting Cursive handwriting Minimum 3 x a week. Practising letter formation and using this formation when writing words. Letters must be correct orientation and size in relation to each other. By the end of the year some children will be joining.
Mathematics number, calculations fractions, decimals, measures, shape, data handling. Here are a few examples: To understand place value, ie. H T U Th H T U To use written methods to solve calculations. To solve 2 step calculation problems. To recognise and use simple fractions To recognise angles and orientations. To know mental multiplication facts. ie. x2, x5, x10, x3
All this information will be available on the school website from today. Please take a copy of any useful resources Do come and chat if you have any questions