Artur Gsella European Environment Agency Transition to e-Reporting and the new process flows at the EEA 18th EIONET Workshop on Air Quality Assessment.


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Presentation transcript:

Artur Gsella European Environment Agency Transition to e-Reporting and the new process flows at the EEA 18th EIONET Workshop on Air Quality Assessment and Management Dublin, of October 2013

Transition to e-Reporting and the new process flows at the EEA - how has it been? - how is it going to be? - what are consequences and opportunities? Air quality reporting in transition: - progress at the EEA

- how has it been? ETC/ACM data processing & analysis Member States EEA data processing & dissemination ETC/ACM data analysis: expert QA & assessments Member States EEA data processing & dissemination - how is it going to be? Transition to e-Reporting and the new process flows at the EEA Air quality reporting in transition:

- how has it been? - how is it going to be? AQ zones (B) Assessment regimes (C) Meta on measurements (D) Primary data (E) Aggregated data (F) Attainment (G) AQ plans (H-K) Exchange of Information (EoI) Near Real Time (NRT) AQ Questionnaire AQ plans Transition to e-Reporting and the new process flows at the EEA Air quality reporting in transition:

ETC/ACM Air Quality e-Reporting Schema JRC Ispra, Digital Earth and Reference Data Unit Transition to e-Reporting and the new process flows at the EEA Air quality reporting in transition:

- AQ data flows interconnected  experts and data operators in MS to collaborate... - AQ e-Reporting schema  one data model, common XML format for exchanging the air quality data! - improved and extended data services  Consequences and opportunities: Transition to e-Reporting and the new process flows at the EEA -... and where is the EEA in implementing the e-Reporting? Air quality reporting in transition:

QA aggreg.& statistics XML files QA aggreg.& statistics XML files QA attainment E2a E1aE1a (E1b)E1b B,C,D,GB,C,D,G MS annual attainment statements (versioned) E1a (E1b), F1a (F1b) B,C,D,G F1aF1a (F1b)F1b F2 XML validation Reportnet D’  E1a D’  E2a data services & viewers Content Registry/ RDF up-to-date validated SDI data services & viewers attainment G ftp SQL RDBMS SQL RDBMS SPATIAL DB E2a E1a harvesting & querying Air Quality e-Reporting (B-G) process flows at the EEA v XML files data services & viewers

QA aggreg.& statistics XML files QA aggreg.& statistics XML files QA attainment E2a E1aE1a (E1b)E1b B,C,D,GB,C,D,G MS annual attainment statements (versioned) E1a (E1b), F1a (F1b) B,C,D,G F1aF1a (F1b)F1b F2 XML validation Reportnet D’  E1a D’  E2a data services & viewers Content Registry/ RDF up-to-date validated SDI data services & viewers attainment G ftp SQL RDBMS SQL RDBMS SPATIAL DB E2a E1a harvesting & querying Air Quality e-Reporting (B-G) process flows at the EEA v XML files data services & viewers XML delivery Quality Checks & Feedback Primary values & aggregations Meta- & spatial data Attainment Data services Archive of MS attainment statements

for more information visit: including the e-Reporting timelinetimeline Transition to e-Reporting and the new process flows at the EEA Air quality reporting in transition:

COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 12 December 2011 laying down rules for Directives 2004/107/EC and 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the reciprocal exchange of information and reporting on ambient air quality (notified under document C(2011) 9068)(2011/850/EU): A: common data types Data flow B: air quality management zones Data flow C: assessment regimes for zones (sampling points within zones) Data flow D: sampling points, stations, measurement methods (processes), etc. Data flow E1a: primary validated measurements Data flow E1b: primary modelling results Data flow E2: primary up-to-date measurements Data flow F1a: aggregated, validated measurements Data flow F1b: aggregated modelling results Data flow F2: aggregated, up-to-date measurements Data flow G: attainment (aggregation within zones, approved by MS) Data flow H: air quality plans Data flow I: source apportionment Data flow J: scenario for the attainment year Data flow K: measures Transition to e-Reporting and the new process flows at the EEA

Other abbreviations: XML – eXtensible Markup Language QA – Quality Assurance XML validation – check on fitting to the Data Model DB – data base SQL – Structured Query Language RDBMS – relational database management system Content Registry – object-oriented search engine for the EIONET data RDF – Resource Description Framework, a way of storing data as web resources SDI – Spatial Data Infrastructure MS – EU Member State Transition to e-Reporting and the new process flows at the EEA

- how has it been? Air Quality Reporting in Europe – transition time - how is it going to be? COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 12 December 2011 laying down rules for Directives 2004/107/EC and 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the reciprocal exchange of information and reporting on ambient air quality, notified under document C(2011) 9068)(2011/850/EU) Council Decision 97/101/EC of 27 January 1997 establishing a reciprocal exchange of information and data from networks and individual stations measuring ambient air pollution within the Member States Commission Decision 2004/461/EC of 29 April 2004 laying down a questionnaire to be used for annual reporting on ambient air quality assessment under Council Directives 96/62/EC and 1999/30/EC and under Directives 2000/69/EC and 2002/3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document number C(2004) 1714), (Text with EEA relevance) (OJ L156, , pp ) … Transition to e-Reporting and the new process flows at the EEA