Classical Music Appreciation Middle Ages and Baroque Period
Start at 6:55 to 26:15, 34:32 – 40:03 Plain chant, Gregorian Chant
The Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant Christus Vincit, Christus Regnat, Christus Imperat ~ Gregorian Chant
Giovanni da Palestrina ( )
Polyphony Madrigal Missa Solemnis Kyrie “Lord of have mercy, Christ have mercy.” Gloria “Glory to God in the Highest Credo “I believe in God the Father Almighty… Sanctus “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God… Agnus Dei “Lamb of God…have mercy on us.”
Gloria - Missa Papae Marcelli - Palestrina The Gloria from Missa Papae Marcelli by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Sung by the Oxford Camerata
Martin Luther’s influence on religious music 43:
Baroque Music
Concerto Concerto Grosso – Multiple instrument contrasted with a single instrument Harpsichord – keyboard instrument; strings are plucked Polyphonic – Music which contains multiple “voices” Musical Notation – Music written on paper Toccata – Short demonstration piece for keyboard Fugue – Composition in which three or more voices enter imitatively one after the other, each giving chase to the pervios.
Johann Sebastian BachJohann Sebastian Bach (aged 61)
Bach, Toccata and Fugue for Organ Stewart W. Foster playing Johann Sebastian Bach's "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor" at First Congregational Church of Los Angeles
Bach, Toccata and Fugue in D Minor for Orchestra BWV 538
Bach, St Matthew Passion, Final Chorus
Dominico Scarlatti,
Domenico Scarlatti, Sonata in G Major, K. 431
Domenico Scarlatti Keyboard Sonatas, András Schiff
Domenico Scarlatti Harpsichord Sonatas K1 - K19, Scott Ross 01
Sonata Cantata Oratorio Opera
Antonio Vivaldi,
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (Italian: [an ˈ t ɔː njo ˈ lu ː t ʃ o vi ˈ valdi]; 4 March 1678 – 28 July 1741) was an Italian [2] Baroque composer, virtuoso violinist, teacher and cleric. Born in Venice, he is recognized as one of the greatest Baroque composers, and his influence during his lifetime was widespread across Europe. He composed many instrumental concertos, for the violin and a variety of other instruments, as well as sacred choral works and more than forty operas. His best-known work is a series of violin concertos known as The Four Seasons.[an ˈ t ɔː njo ˈ lu ː t ʃ o vi ˈ valdi]Italian [2]Baroquevirtuosocleric Veniceconcertosoperasviolin concertosThe Four Seasons
Four Seasons ~ Vivaldi
George Frideric Handel
Air in G Major - Handel (Piano)
Handel's Water Music & Music For The Royal BBC Proms 2012
G.F.Haendel - Watermusic (PART III: Hornpipe-Menuet-Rigaudon I/II-etc.)
Messiah - A Sacred Oratorio, Handel - conducted by Sir Colin Davis