Diagnosis of asthma in adolescents and adults D.Anan Esmail Seminar Training Primary Care Asthma+ COPD
Definition of Asthma chronic disorder of the airways
Definition of Asthma inflammatory disorder of the airways
Definition of Asthma bronchial hyperresponsiveness
inflammatory disorder of the airways bronchial hyperresponsiveness airflow obstruction
variable and recurring symptoms largely or completely reversible
Asthma may develop at any age
diagnosed before the age of seven years in approximately 75 % of cases
Children : Boys > Girls
young adulthood at age 22 years Women > Men
adults age 65 and older is about 4 to 8 %
respiratory symptoms occur with exposure to triggers
respiratory symptoms resolve with trigger avoidance
respiratory symptoms resolve with asthma medication
the classic symptoms of asthma Wheeze high-pitched whistling soundhigh-pitched whistling sound usually upon exhalationusually upon exhalation
the classic symptoms of asthma Cough worse at nightworse at night
the classic symptoms of asthma Shortness of breath
WheezeCough Shortness of breath the classic symptoms of asthma
Some patients describe clear mucoid or pale yellow sputum
historical features heighten the probability of asthma:
Episodic symptoms Asthmatic symptoms come and go with a time course of hours to days
Patients may remain asymptomatic for long periods of time
symptoms occur or worsen at night
Characteristic triggers Respiratory symptoms triggered by (Exercise, cold air, Viral infections, exposure to inhaled allergens) suggestive of asthma
Molds Allergens dust mites furry animals Cockroaches pollens
irritant-type exposures cigarette smokeDusts changes in weather airborne chemicals strong fumes
Work-related exposures asthmatic symptoms temporally associated with work-related exposures occupational asthma
The diagnosis can be confirmed by demonstration of variable airflow obstruction before and after a work shift
Personal or family history of atopy aaaatopic dermatitis aaaallergic rhinitis favors a diagnosis of asthma
historic features lessen the probability of asthma:
Lack of improvement following anti- asthmatic medications PPPPatients who have tried an inhaled bronchodilator and obtained no relief of their symptoms less likely to have asthma
PPPPatients who have tried course of oral glucocorticoids and obtained no relief of their symptoms less likely to have asthma glucocorticoids
Onset of symptoms after age 50 In middle-aged and older patients, other respiratory and cardiovascular diseases become the more likely explanation for symptoms
the new onset of asthma remains a possibility
cccchest pain LLLLightheadedness SSSSyncope PPPPalpitations suggest an alternate diagnosis
aaaalternate diagnosis pulmonary vascular disease Cardiomyopathy early coronary artery disease Pericardial disease
History of cigarette smoking ppppatients with more than 20 pack-years of cigarette smoking Likely the etiology shifts away from asthma toward COPD
tttthe two diseases can co-exist
Physical Findings
normal if performed in the absence of an acute exacerbation
Inspection increased anterior- posterior diameter of the chest due to air trapping
Auscultation wheezing prolonged expiratory phase Decreased Respiratory sounds
Wheezes characteristic feature of asthma
Wheezes not specific for asthma
Wheezes absent between asthma exacerbations
Wheezes heard on expiration
Wheezes can also occur during inspiration
Extrapulmonary physical findings in patients with asthma that can provide evidence for or against diagnosis of asthma
allergic rhinitis common condition among patients with allergic asthma
Nasal polyps Aspirin-Induced Asthma
Atopic dermatitis risk factor for later Asthma third of patients with atopic dermatitis develop asthma
Clubbing not a feature of asthma direct the clinician toward alternative diagnoses (interstitial lung disease, lung cancer, bronchiectasis )
History Symptoms CoughWheeze Shortness of Breath Triggers of asthma Exercise cold air Viral infections exposure to inhaled allergens Allergic history SkinFoodRespiratory Family history Child's medical history Physical examination