Housing LIN An Introduction Sue Garwood East of England Regional Lead
What is the Housing LIN Formerly responsible for managing the Department of Health’s (DH) Extra Care Housing capital programme - now independent under directorship of Jeremy Porteus A growing integrated network of housing, health and social care professionals in England involved in planning, commissioning, designing, funding, building and managing housing with care for older people and other vulnerable groups – newsletter goes to over 40,000 people. By connecting people, ideas and resources, we seek to improve the housing and care choices for older and disabled people.
How do we do it? Resources Commissioning and publishing a range of written resources tools and DVDs. Recent examples include: Case studies – e.g. Business case for Extra Care Housing in East Sussex Technical Briefs – e.g. Mixed tenure in Extra Care Housing and Care & Support in Extra Care Housing – due to be updated Policy briefings – e.g. Impact of changes to social care funding and charging on ECH post-Dilnot Viewpoints – e.g. Commissioning Sustainable Care and Support services: A call for Action Factsheets – e.g. Design for dementia care Tools: e.g. SHOP Briefing 2: Health, Wellbeing, and the Older People Housing Agenda; Hospital 2 Home Resource pack
How do we do it? Website Topics with range of sub-topics include: Extra Care Housing Mainstream Housing Design and Planning Health (understanding NHS) Dementia Older People Learning disabilities Homelessness Physical Disability Mental Health Host to: Housing and Ageing Alliance Housing and Care for Older People Research Network Housing and Safeguarding Adults Alliance
How do we do it? National & Regional Events Targeted at professionals from a wide range of disciplines to enable: Accelerated learning & personal development Peer-to-peer networking & ideas exchange Information sharing & mutual understanding East Region: Chair: Cathy Mitchell – Cambs and Peterborough CCG Recent event on Care Bill; Previously, Building Community Capacity for Health and Wellbeing outcomes Next one on 8 th July in Peterborough will include ‘Private rented sector – the missing option’ and ‘Neighbourhood approaches to loneliness’ National events e.g. Housing LIN annual conference. In planning for 17 February 2015, London.
How do we do it? Newsletter Housing with Care Matters produced quarterly with a wealth of material and resources on housing, health and social care topics: Policy and Funding News Market news New Housing LIN publications Other useful resources e.g. NHF suite connecting housing and health Telecare update Focus on dementia Research news Regional news and events Calls for information Poetry corner
How do we do it? Policy Contribute to a range of policy consultations and initiatives. e.g. Part of the Prime Minister’s dementia challenge Response to DCLG consultations on Design and space standards and on LA housing needs assessments Member of DH Stakeholder Group on housing guidance for Care Bill (now Act) Member of NHS England Stakeholder Group developing a Health & Housing partnership agreement Response to APPG on Dementia and skilling the workforce Response to NICE consultation on developing Guidance for Homecare and Older People and Mental Wellbeing Response to consultation on various aspects of Care Bill guidance and regulation Response to Centre for Ageing Better consultations
How do we do it? Partnerships Dementia Action Alliance – Housing Call to Action Housing and Dementia Research Consortium Housing and Dementia Working Group Housing and Adult Safeguarding Alliance In this region working with the ADASS SLI networks Working with CIH to update paper on remodelling sheltered housing Partnering with Skills for Care to develop a series of good practice videos on care workforce issues in a housing. Working with the Welsh Government on a selection of capacity building activities Secretariat of ADASS Housing Policy Group
Connecting with the Housing LIN Sign up to receive our newsletter, Housing with Care Matters and information on forthcoming regional and national events Get involved in our discussion forums Post relevant information on our regional noticeboard Follow us on twitter Host a regional Housing LIN meeting Write a case study or viewpoint Sponsor our website or an event
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