Kyle L. Janek M.D., Executive Commissioner VENDOR CONFERENCE Targeted HIV Testing and Linkage to Medical Care Request for Proposal (RFP) Request for Proposal (RFP) No. HIV/TESTLINK September 18, 2014 (2:00 – 4:00)
Welcome Introductions Cheryl Dukes, Procurement Project Manager, Procurement & Contracting Services (PCS) Debbie Hightower, Contract Manager, DSHS Amanda Reese, Program Manager, DSHS Mary Salluce, Office of General Counsel (OGC) Housekeeping Items 2
Vendor Conference Overview Procurement Activities Program/Project Overview HUB Overview Legal Overview Question Submittal Break 3
PCS Procurement Activities Sole Point of Contact Source for Questions and Answers Solicitation Access Submission Requirements Solicitation Addendums Oversees Screening and Evaluation Process Award Information Procurement Schedule 4
Procurement Schedule RFP Release DateSeptember 12, 2014 Vendor ConferenceSeptember 18, 2014 Vendor Question Due (5:00PM CT)September 25, 2014 Response to Question Posted (est.)September 30, 2014 Proposal Due (2:00 PM CT)October 10, 2014 Tentative Award Posting (est.)November 12, 2014 Anticipated Contract Start DateJanuary 1,
Question & Comments RFP Section II,A Al question and comments regarding the RFP must be submitted to the HHSC Point of Contact. Question must reference the appropriate RFP page and section number and should be submitted by the deadline set for in section I,A of the RFP HHSC may not respond to question received after the deadline. HHSC’s responses to vendor question will be posted to the ESBD as listed in Schedule of events Section I,D HHSC reserves the right to amend answers prior to the proposal submission deadline. 6
Number of Copies-RFP Section III,D Submit one(1) original (clearly marked) and one (1) copy of the proposal. An authorized representative must sign the original proposal in ink. In addition, submit one (1) electronic copy of the proposal on portable media, such as a compact disk, compatible with Microsoft Office Any disparities between the contents of the orginal print proposal and the electronic proposal will be interpreted in favor of HHSC. Electronic copies of the proposal- must include attachments, financial documents, signed forms, and all other documentation 7
Proposal Content – RFP Section VI,A All Proposals must be: All Pages Clearly and consecutively numbered; All Pages Clearly and consecutively numbered; Original Signed in ink by an authorized officials, One (1) copy unbound, but secured with binder clips or rubber bands; Original Signed in ink by an authorized officials, One (1) copy unbound, but secured with binder clips or rubber bands; Typed (computer or typewriter) no less than 12-point font on 8 ½’ x 11” paper with 1” margins. Typed (computer or typewriter) no less than 12-point font on 8 ½’ x 11” paper with 1” margins. Black print on white paper Black print on white paper 8
Proposal Content – RFP Section VI,A Continued Blank forms provided in SECTION VII. BLACK FORMS AND INSTRUCITON must be used (electronic reproduction of the forms is acceptable; however, all forms must be identical to the original form(s) provided); do not change the font used on forms provided. Envelope/package containing the proposal must clearly identify the Respondent’s legal name and mailing address as reflection on Form A: Face Page Envelope/package containing the proposal must clearly identify the name and number of the RFP as reflected on the cover page of this RFP. An Electronic disc copy must be included. 9
Due Date & Location – RFP III,A Submit all copies of the proposal to HHSC’s PCS Division no later than October 11 th by 2:00PM Central Time as listed in the RFP Section I,D of the Schedule of Events. All submission will be date/time stamped when received by PCS. The clock in the PCS office is the official timepiece for determining compliance with the deadline in this procurement. HHSC reserves the right to reject late submission. It is the Respondent’s responsibility to appropriately mark and deliver the proposal to HHSC by the specified date. Submit all copies of the proposal to HHSC’s PCS Division no later than October 11 th by 2:00PM Central Time as listed in the RFP Section I,D of the Schedule of Events. All submission will be date/time stamped when received by PCS. The clock in the PCS office is the official timepiece for determining compliance with the deadline in this procurement. HHSC reserves the right to reject late submission. It is the Respondent’s responsibility to appropriately mark and deliver the proposal to HHSC by the specified date. 10
Due Date & Location – RFP III,A Physical Address for hand delivery and overnight and commercial mail: Physical Address for hand delivery and overnight and commercial mail: HHSC Procurement and Contracting Services (PCS) Division Attn: Cheryl Dukes 4405 North Lamar Boulevard, Bldg 1 Mail Code 2020 Austin, Texas All proposals become property of HHSC after submission. All proposals become property of HHSC after submission. 11
PROGRAM/PROJECT OVERVIEW RFP # HIV/TESTLINK Amanda Reese, Program Coordinator 12
RFP Mission Section II. Program Information Conduct HIV testing for the target population as described herein, with a focus on MSM, in high morbidity areas to identify people who are infected with HIV; Reduce undiagnosed and late diagnosed HIV infection; Ensure linkage to, and participation in, HIV medical care and, as appropriate, supportive services for HIV-infected persons; Reduce associated morbidity and mortality among HIV-infected persons in the target population and their partners by assuring referral to medical, social, and prevention services; and; Integrate targeted condom distribution activities into HIV testing programs for the target population 13
Contract Terms Section I,B . It is expected that the initial contract period will begin on or about 01/01/2015; for a maximum of 12-months. This contract may be renewed up to one (1) additional one year period(s), with renewal initiated at the sole discretion of DSHS. Funding may vary and is subject to change each renewal period. 14
Scope/Specific Duties and Obligations 15 Targeted HIV testing and enhanced linkage to HIV medical care for people who are infected with HIV; and Targeted condom distribution to people living with HIV and individuals who are at high risk of acquiring HIV
Scope/Specific Duties and Obligations Continued 16 Targeted HIV testing and enhanced linkage to HIV medical care for people who are infected with HIV Increase the number of HIV infected persons who know their status; Establish enhanced linkage to HIV medical care systems for people who are infected with HIV; and Ensure linkage to other medical, social and prevention services for people who are infected with HIV.
Scope/Specific Duties and Obligations Continued 17 Targeted HIV testing and enhanced linkage to HIV medical care for people who are infected with HIV Provide HIV testing with tailored health education to targeted, high-risk populations Ensure counseling and enhanced linkage to medical care for all HIV-infected individuals
Scope/Specific Duties and Obligations Continued 18 Targeted condom distribution to people living with HIV and individuals who are at high risk of acquiring HIV Conduct condom promotion and distribution activities at the individual, organizational, and community levels and specifically to increase condom use among people who are HIV-positive and individuals at high risk of acquiring HIV; and Integrate targeted condom distribution activities into HIV prevention activities
Scope/Specific Duties and Obligations Continued 19 Targeted condom distribution to people living with HIV and individuals who are at high risk of acquiring HIV Provide condoms free of charge to target populations Conduct wide-scale condom distribution; Design and implement local social marketing campaigns to promote condom use; Conduct a community assessment of condom availability in the community Work with local vendors (i.e. pharmacies) to ensure condoms are accessible; and Partner with culturally appropriate venues (e.g. for-profit and non-profit organizations, clinics, and other community collaborators) to increase distribution in the community
Performance Measures 20 Targeted Testing and Linkage to Medical Care: At least 75% of clients testing for HIV will receive results At least 95% of clients testing positive for HIV will receive results counseling. At least 95% of clients who are HIV positive (all positives) and received results will be confirmed to HIV-related medical care. Contractor will attain a minimum of 1.5% new positivity rate annually.
Performance Measures 21 Condom Distribution: Projected minimum number of distribution sites (including: number of sites where contractor supplies free condoms) by the end of the contract term: Projected minimum number of community partners assisting with access or distribution efforts (i.e. retail, civic, faith-based, local advocacy groups): Projected minimum number of condoms distributed
Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Requirements Karen Williams, HHSC HUB Coordinator/Administrator 22
Agenda Topics I.RFP Section 4 Historically Underutilized Business Participation Requirements II.HUB Subcontracting Plan Development and Submission i.HSP Quick Checklist – Handout ii.HSP Methods iii.HUB Subcontracting Notification Form III. HSP Prime Contractor Progress Assessment Report 23
I.Historically Underutilized Business Participation Requirements 24
HUB Participation Goals – Section F-3 Potential Subcontracting Opportunities – Section F-5.1 Centralized master Bidders List and HUB directory – Section F-5 Vendor Intends to Subcontract – Section F-6 I.RFP Section F Historically Underutilized Business Participation Requirements 25
Minority or Women Trade Organizations – Section F Self Performance – Section 7 HSP Changes After Contract Award – Section 8 Reporting and Compliance with the HSP – Section 8 I.RFP Section F Historically Underutilized Business Participation Requirements (cont.) 26
HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) II. HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) Development and Submission Development and Submission Note: All Respondents must submit a HSP regardless if its intent is to subcontract or self perform all the work under the Contract. 27
If HSP is inadequate, response will be rejected HUB GOALS Special reminders and instructions HSP Information Page 28
i.HSP Quick Checklist ** See Checklist Handout** 29
ii HSP Methods Note: There are five (5) Method Options to choose from in order to develop and submit the HSP. Respondent’s should indicate their response which Method Option was selected. 30
METHOD OPTIONS A Respondent may choose from one of the following methods when completing the HSP: Method I – if 100% of your subcontracting opportunities will be performed using only HUB vendors; Method II – if one or more of the subcontracting opportunities identified will be performed using HUB protégé’s; Method III – if a combination of HUBs and Non-HUBs are used to perform the subcontracting work identified AND the HUB goal identified in the solicitation is met or exceeded; 31
METHOD OPTIONS A Respondent may choose from one of the following methods when completing the HSP (cont.): Method IV – if a combination of HUBs and Non-HUBs are used to perform the subcontracting work identified AND the HUB goal identified in the solicitation is not met or exceeded; and Method V - if the Respondent intends to self perform all of the work utilizing their own resources, equipment, employees, and supplies. 32
ALL METHODS For ALL Methods the following steps are required to be completed on the HSP Form: Page 1 - Section 1 - Respondent and Requisition Information. Page 1 - Section 1 - Respondent and Requisition Information. Page 2 - Company and Requisition Information. Page 2 - Company and Requisition Information. Page 2 - Section 2(a) – Subcontracting Intentions. Page 2 - Section 2(a) – Subcontracting Intentions. Section 4 – Affirmation and Sign. Section 4 – Affirmation and Sign. 33
Respondent and Requisition Information HSP Information Page 13 Step by Step
Company Name and Requisition # Subcontracting Intentions: Declaration: Check – “Yes” if you plan to subcontract Check – “No” if you will not be subcontracting any portion of the contract 14
Section 4; Affirmation Signature Affirms that Information Provided is True and Correct. 15 Step by Step
METHOD I If all (100%) of your subcontracting opportunities will be performed using only HUB vendors, complete: All of the steps in Sections 1, 2, and 4 of the HSP. All of the steps in Sections 1, 2, and 4 of the HSP. Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors. Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors. Section 2 c. – Yes. Section 2 c. – Yes. HSP GFE Method A (Attachment A) – Complete this attachment for each subcontracting opportunity. HSP GFE Method A (Attachment A) – Complete this attachment for each subcontracting opportunity. 37
Complete Section 2-c; Yes if you will be using only HUBs to perform all Subcontracting Opportunities in 2-b. Complete Section 2-b; List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the % of the contract you expect to award to all HUBs. 16 Step by Step
Complete this attachment (Sections A-1 and A-2) and List Line # and Subcontracting Opportunity. HSP GFE Method A (Attachment A) HUB Subcontractor Selection for this Subcontracting Opportunity 17
METHOD II If any of your subcontracting opportunities will be performed using HUB protégés, complete: All of the steps in Section 1, 2 and 4 of the HSP. All of the steps in Section 1, 2 and 4 of the HSP. Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors. Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors. HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) – Complete Section B-1, B-2 and B-4 only for each subcontracting opportunity as applicable. HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) – Complete Section B-1, B-2 and B-4 only for each subcontracting opportunity as applicable. 40
Skip Sections 2-c and 2-d. Complete Section 2-b; List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the % of the contract you expect to award to HUB Protégés. 18 Step by Step
HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) Complete Sections B-1; and B-2 only for each HUB Protégé subcontracting opportunity. 19
43 B-4 List the HUB Protégé(s) Selected to perform the subcontracting opportunity HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B)
METHOD III If you are subcontracting with HUBs and Non-HUBs, and the aggregate percentage of subcontracting with HUBs in which the HUB Goal identified in the solicitation is met or exceeded, complete: All of the steps in Section 1, 2, and 4 of the HSP.All of the steps in Section 1, 2, and 4 of the HSP. Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors and Non HUB vendors.Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicate the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors and Non HUB vendors. Section 2 c. – No.Section 2 c. – No. Section 2 d. – Yes.Section 2 d. – Yes. HSP GFE Method A (Attachment A) – Complete this attachment for each subcontracting opportunity.HSP GFE Method A (Attachment A) – Complete this attachment for each subcontracting opportunity. 44
Complete Section 2-c; No, to using only HUBs to perform all Subcontracting Opportunities in 2-b. Complete Section 2-b; List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicated the % of the contract you expect to award to HUBs and Non-HUBs. 45 Step by Step
Complete Section 2-d; No, to the Aggregate % of the contract expected to be subcontracted to HUBs to meet or exceed the HUB goal, which you have a contract agreement in place for five (5) years or less. 46 Step by Step
Complete this attachment (Sections A-1 and A-2) for each subcontracting opportunity. HSP GFE Method A (Attachment A) Subcontractor Selection (HUBs and Non-HUBs) 47
METHOD IV If you are subcontracting with HUBs and Non-HUBs, and the aggregate percentage of subcontracting with HUBs, holding an existing contract with HUBs for 5 years or less, does not meet or exceed the HUB Goal identified in the solicitation, complete: All of the steps in Section 1, 2, and 4 of the HSP;All of the steps in Section 1, 2, and 4 of the HSP; Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicated the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors and Non HUB vendors;Section 2 b. – List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicated the percentage of the contract you expect to award to HUB vendors and Non HUB vendors; Section 2 c. – No;Section 2 c. – No; Section 2 d. – No;Section 2 d. – No; HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) – Complete this attachment for each subcontracting opportunity.HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) – Complete this attachment for each subcontracting opportunity. 48
Complete Section 2-c; No, to using only HUBs to perform all Subcontracting Opportunities in 2-b. Complete Section 2-b; List all the portions of work you will subcontract, and indicated the % of the contract you expect to award to HUBs and Non-HUBs. 49 Step by Step
Complete Section 2-d; No, to the Aggregate % of the contract expected to be subcontracted to HUBs to meet or exceed the HUB goal, which you have a contract agreement in place for five (5) years or less. 50 Step by Step
HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) Complete Section B-1; and Section B-2 only for each subcontracting opportunity. Good Faith Efforts to find Texas Certified HUB Vendors 51
HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) Written Notification Requirements List 3 HUBs Contacted for this Subcontracting Opportunity 52
HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) Written Notification To Trade Organizations 53
HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) List Trade Organizations Notified with Dates Sent/Accepted. 54
Provide written justification why a HUB was not selected for this Subcontracting Opportunity HSP GFE Method B (Attachment B) 55
METHOD V If you are not subcontracting any portion of the contract and will be fulfilling the entire contract with your own resources (i.e., equipment, supplies, materials, and/or employees), complete: All of the steps in Section 1, 2, and 4 of the HSP. Section 3 – Self Performing Justification,Section 3 – Self Performing Justification, 56
List the specific page(s)/section(s) of your proposal response, OR in the space provided, which explains how your company will perform the entire contract with its own equipment, supplies, materials and/or employees. Section 3; Self Performing Justification 57
iii HUB Subcontracting Opportunity Notification Form 58
Sample for Respondent’s Use. 59
III. HSP Prime Contractor Progress Assessment Report Section 8 60
61 Required with ALL Pay Requests Required even if not subcontracting List ALL Sub payments (HUBs & Non-HUBs) HSP Prime Contractor Progress Assessment Report
Legal Overview Mary Salluce DSHS Office of General Counsel 62
Legal Overview Texas Public Information Act: Proprietary Information & Trade Secrets Consistency in Submission of Vendor Proposals Collusion Apparent or Actual Conflicts of Interest Revolving Door Permissible Contact 63
Texas Public Information Act RFP Section General Requirement for the Release of Proposals Proposals will be subject to the Texas Public Information Act (the Act), located in Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code, and may be disclosed to the public upon request. Subject to the Act, vendors may protect trade secret and confidential information from public release. If the vendor asserts that information provided in the proposal is trade secrets or other confidential information, it must clearly mark such information in boldface type and include the words “confidential” or “trade secret” at top of the page. Furthermore, the vendor must identify trade secret or confidential information, and provide an explanation of why the information is excepted from public disclosure, on the Vendor Information and Disclosures form Proposals will be subject to the Texas Public Information Act (the Act), located in Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code, and may be disclosed to the public upon request. Subject to the Act, vendors may protect trade secret and confidential information from public release. If the vendor asserts that information provided in the proposal is trade secrets or other confidential information, it must clearly mark such information in boldface type and include the words “confidential” or “trade secret” at top of the page. Furthermore, the vendor must identify trade secret or confidential information, and provide an explanation of why the information is excepted from public disclosure, on the Vendor Information and Disclosures formChapter 552 of the Texas Government CodeChapter 552 of the Texas Government Code 64
Vendors must Protect their Trade Secrets and Proprietary Data when submitting a Proposal Read & Review Texas Gov’t Code § Read & Review Texas Gov’t Code § Read & Review Texas Gov’t Code § Read & Review Texas Gov’t Code § Vendors are responsible to review the requirements of the Texas Public Information Act. Vendors should consult the Texas Attorney General’s website ( for information concerning the Act’s application to proposals and potential exceptions to disclosure. Vendors are responsible to review the requirements of the Texas Public Information Act. Vendors should consult the Texas Attorney General’s website ( for information concerning the Act’s application to proposals and potential exceptions to disclosure. The Attorney General makes the final determination of what is and is not exempted from the Open Records Act. The Attorney General will also determine what is and is not proprietary and trade secret. The Attorney General makes the final determination of what is and is not exempted from the Open Records Act. The Attorney General will also determine what is and is not proprietary and trade secret. 65
Gov’t Code § Information Relating to Competition or Bidding (a) Information is excepted from the requirement of Section if it is information that, if released, would give advantage to a competitor or bidder. (b)The requirement of Section that a category of information listed under Section (a) is public information and not excepted from required disclosure under this chapter unless expressly confidential under law does not apply to information that is excepted from required disclosure under this section. 66
Gov’t Code § Trade Secrets and Certain Commercial or Financial Information (a) A trade secret obtained from a person and privileged or confidential by statute or judicial decision is excepted from [required public disclosure]. (b) Commercial or financial information for which it is demonstrated based on specific factual evidence that disclosure would cause substantial competitive harm to the person from whom the information was obtained is excepted from [required public disclosure]. (c) However, the Texas Legislature enacted The Texas Uniform Trade Secrets Act effective as of September 1, This Act may impact former common law Trade Secrets protections and requirements. See, Senate Bill 953, Tex. Leg, Regular Session (2013). 67
The Importance of Consistency in Vendor Proposal Submission Please read all instructions to complete Vendor Proposal. Please read all instructions to complete Vendor Proposal. Apply common sense. Apply common sense. When in doubt, apply consistent actions throughout the preparation of the Vendor Proposal When in doubt, apply consistent actions throughout the preparation of the Vendor Proposal 68
Definition of Collusion (This is not exhaustive but merely representative) Collusion occurs when two persons or representatives of an entity or organization make an agreement to deceive or mislead another. Collusion occurs when two persons or representatives of an entity or organization make an agreement to deceive or mislead another. Such agreements are usually secretive, and involve fraud or gaining an unfair advantage over a third party, competitors, consumers or others with whom they are negotiating. Such agreements are usually secretive, and involve fraud or gaining an unfair advantage over a third party, competitors, consumers or others with whom they are negotiating. The collusion, therefore, makes the bargaining process inherently unfair. The collusion, therefore, makes the bargaining process inherently unfair. Collusion can involve price or wage fixing, kickbacks, or misrepresenting the independence of the relationship between the colluding parties. Collusion can involve price or wage fixing, kickbacks, or misrepresenting the independence of the relationship between the colluding parties. 69
RFP Section CONFLICT OF INTEREST A vendor must certify that it does not have personal or business interests that present a conflict of interest with respect to the RFP and resulting contract (see the Required Certifications form). Additionally, if applicable, the vendor must disclose all potential conflicts of interest. A vendor must certify that it does not have personal or business interests that present a conflict of interest with respect to the RFP and resulting contract (see the Required Certifications form). Additionally, if applicable, the vendor must disclose all potential conflicts of interest. The vendor must describe the measures it will take to ensure that there will be no actual conflict of interest and that its fairness, independence and objectivity will be maintained (see the Vendor Information and Disclosures form) over the course of the contract. HHSC will determine to what extent, if any, a potential conflict of interest can be mitigated and managed during the term of the contract. Failure to identify potential conflicts of interest may result in [insert agencie name] disqualification of a proposal or termination of the contract. The vendor must describe the measures it will take to ensure that there will be no actual conflict of interest and that its fairness, independence and objectivity will be maintained (see the Vendor Information and Disclosures form) over the course of the contract. HHSC will determine to what extent, if any, a potential conflict of interest can be mitigated and managed during the term of the contract. Failure to identify potential conflicts of interest may result in [insert agencie name] disqualification of a proposal or termination of the contract. 70
RFP Section FORMER EMPLOYEES OF A STATE AGENCY Vendors must comply with Texas and federal laws and regulations relating to the hiring of former state employees (see e.g., Texas Government Code § and 45 C.F.R. §74.43). Such “revolving door” provisions generally restrict former agency heads from communicating with or appearing before the agency on certain matters for two years after leaving the agency. The revolving door provisions also restrict some former employees from representing clients on matters that the employee participated in during state service or matters that were in the employees’ official responsibility. Vendors must comply with Texas and federal laws and regulations relating to the hiring of former state employees (see e.g., Texas Government Code § and 45 C.F.R. §74.43). Such “revolving door” provisions generally restrict former agency heads from communicating with or appearing before the agency on certain matters for two years after leaving the agency. The revolving door provisions also restrict some former employees from representing clients on matters that the employee participated in during state service or matters that were in the employees’ official responsibility.Texas Government Code § C.F.R. §74.43Texas Government Code § C.F.R. §
Permissible Contact The sole point of contact for inquiries concerning this RFP is: The sole point of contact for inquiries concerning this RFP is: List RFP PPM information in detail List RFP PPM information in detail 72
Permissible Contact As a reminder, all communications relating to this RFP must be directed to the sole HHSC contact person for this procurement. Otherwise failure to comply with these requirements may result in proposal disqualification. As a reminder, all communications relating to this RFP must be directed to the sole HHSC contact person for this procurement. Otherwise failure to comply with these requirements may result in proposal disqualification. Should you have any questions or concerns about this procurement, do not hesitate to contact Director, Enterprise Procurement Operations, Robert Hall. Should you have any questions or concerns about this procurement, do not hesitate to contact Director, Enterprise Procurement Operations, Robert Hall. 73
Texas Health and Human Services Commission Question Submittal
Answers to Questions and Closing Comments 76
Thank You! 77