Students: Paolo Pini, Valeria Bertinelli, Alessio De Luca, Francesca Zarrella. From Rome, Italy. School: Giorgio Ambrosoli
What is immigration? Immigration is the movement of people from other countries in a foreign territory. The purpose? Settlement. Emigration is the movement of people out of a country in order to settle in another. The picture says: «MY BLOOD IS RED LIKE YOURS!»
Who is refugee? A refugee is a person who, for well-founded fear of persecution for reason of race, religion, nationality or political opinion, is outside his country and cannot or doesn’t want to avail himself of the protection of that country.
What is the reception? Reception is the set of activities that a government organises to receive and host refugees. Italy, like all the EU member states, has a legal obligation reception. The reception in Casa Scalabrini 634!
Reception in Italy. The intensification of several crises, in different countries of North Africa and in the Middle East of Asia has characterized the last few years and has caused a significant increase of refugees in the world and an increase of migration flows and asylum requests in Europe and above all in Italy, particularly in the last two years.
The phenomenon that has suffered a greater increase is that of seaborne landings in the coastline along the Mediterranean Sea, such as those of Southern Italy or of the Greek islands. During 2015 the migrant arrivals in Italy have reached a higher number up to 153,000, compared to about 43,000 in 2013.
What is the political asylum? The italian constitution states that the foreigner, who cannot exercise in his country the democratic freedoms, guaranteed by the italian constitution, has the right to asylum according to the condition estabilished by law.
The reception of asylum seekers system, today, is structured in stages: 1. The first step takes place in government centres, where asylum seekers remain the time necessary to establish their identity, do a medical screening and verbalize the request of asylum. 2.In the second step, the migrant, who has already formalized it, is welcomed in the territorial structures that make up the System of Protection for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (SPRAR) 3.Finally, the reception system provides Extraordinary Reception Centres (CAS), sets up accommodation for the continuous flows of migrants seeking asylum.
The Dublin Convention The Dublin Convention is a European Regulation, which deals with the right of asylum. One of the main objectives of the Dublin Regulation is to prevent asylum seekers to submit requests in many Member States (asylum shopping). Another goal is to reduce the number of asylum seekers, as the first foreign country, where people arrive, is charged to work the request of asylum.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is the UN agency specialized in the management of refugees; it provides them international protection and material assistance, and pursues solutions to their dramatic conditions. It was founded on the 14th December, in 1950 by the General Assembly of the United Nations and has won two Nobel Peace Prizes, respectively in 1954 and in What is the UNHCR ?