Hungarian Drinks
Hungary is famous for wine production. There are 22 wine regions in Hungary, the most famous ones are for example : Tokaj, Villány, Badacsony.
The BB is a famous wine factory too. It is in our neighborhood.
Our country’s Hungaricum is Unicum, which is made from herbs and it is known world-wide.
Next I’m going to introduce you the brandy called „PÁLINKA’.The most common ingredients are apple,pear and plum,but you can make it from many other fruits.
A Hungarian invented soda water which is sparkling water.
Hungary is famous for thermal waters. After Iceland, we have the most spas in Europe.These waters have healing effects.It repairs the bones and it is good for joint aches. Many are close to us. For example: Hévíz, Zalakaros. If you come here to Hungary, we will take you to Zalakaros.
In Budapest the „Gellért fürdő”
Hungary has got a lot of mieral water source.