Sustainability is the capacity of the project to continue its existence and functioning beyond its end.
The project results are used and exploited continuously. Sustainability of results implies use and exploitation of results in the long term.
Sustainability may not concern all the aspects of a project. In each project some results may be maintained, while others may not be so necessary to maintain.
A project can therefore be considered as sustainable if relevant results are pursued and products are maintained or developed after the end of the EU funding (i.e. duration of new courses, up-dating of new tools).
It is not easy to achieve a planning in order to generate the desired sustainability of the project and somehow ensure a return on investment at European level by multiplying the benefits that the assimilation of best practices can provide.
Hence, this is often one of the project weaknesses, and simultaneously one aspect that EU values most.
‘’ WHAT DO IMPACT AND SUSTAINABILITY MEAN? Impact is the effect that the activity carried out and its results have on people, practices, organisations and systems
Dissemination and exploitation of results plans can help to maximize the effect of the activities being developed so that they will impact on the immediate participants and partners for years to come.
Benefits to other stakeholders should also be considered in order to make a bigger difference and get the most from the project.
We talked about ‘’what is sustainability?’’ technically and ‘’what are the useful steps for sustainability of a project?’’ Now we want to mention about our school’s sustainability activities in this project.
Firstly,we informed our ICT students about ‘Hot potatoes’ and they performed on it.If we want to mention about sustainability in this way,we can extend the applications not only among the project members but also the other teachers and students
For example: we can organise a meeting to inform the others about new applications and new learners can apply these applications by preparing exams,presentations,etc.
Then, we can contact with local press after each meeting for dissamination of our project. After that we studied with our students about the animation application which we learned in Greece.
Now our aim is to maintain our project’s effect and also our relationship,so we want to carry out our project to Etwinning platform.
Do you know E-twinning?
E-Twinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, head teachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects, share and, in short, feel and be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe.
If we carry our project in this platform,we will go on our studies and communication and also we will try to learn new applications using WEB 2.0
It is important that students will improve their ICT skills and language skills. They will use their imagine while they are preparing something on this platform and also they will try to create their works.
So we have prepared a schedule on this platform.It is an example ;it shows us how can we sustain our project
If all the participants want to join,we will apply this and we will coordinate this because we are studying 3 different project on this platform
SEPTEMBER -preparing E t winning school board -inform the sts and teachers about the Project and also what is Etwinning? -choose Etwinning school team Using visual materials Cartoons, crayons,etc. 6 or 10 sts OCTOBER --each school prepare a video or power point about own school and country/city/ town -prepare a compatition( including whole class )about Project logo using’’ IMAGECHEF’’ Preparing a rating scale for the logo Give an award for the winner NOVEMBERPreparing a video about sts’ personal info and add photos using’’ MAGISTO’’ -create your own ‘’PADLET’’and share it in twinspace Maximum 10 photos Create padlet fort he school board
DECEMBER Creating NEW YEAR cards and send each other Sending video each other using ‘ZOOBE’’ about new year message Sts own preparation JANUARY Meeting students and teachers and chatting (skype) Topic is using internet safely FEBRUARYPreparing quiz using’’ KAHOOT’’about using moodle
MARCH Each school inform their historical places using PREZI Prezi programını anlatsınlar APRİL Preparing 5 different quizes using HOT POTATOES about Hardware,Photoshop, Web 2.0, Scratch and Google Forms, Jmatch,JCROZZ.. MAYEach school create their own school building using ………………