1 Numerical Differentiation
2 First order derivatives High order derivatives Examples
3 Motivation How do you evaluate the derivative of a tabulated function. How do we determine the velocity and acceleration from tabulated measurements. Time (second) Displacement (meters)
4 Recall
For small values of h, the difference quotient [f (x 0 + h) − f (x 0 )]/h can be used to approximate f’(x 0 ) with an error bounded by M|h|/2, where M is a bound on |f’’(x)| for x between x0 and x0 +h. CISE301_Topic65
6 Three Formula
7 The Three Formulas
8 Forward/Backward Difference Formula
9 Central Difference Formula
10 The Three Formula (Revisited)
11 Higher Order Formulas
12 Other Higher Order Formulas
Example Use forward, backward and centered difference approximations to estimate the first derivate of: f(x) = –0.1x 4 – 0.15x 3 – 0.5x 2 – 0.25x at x = 0.5 using step size h = 0.5 and h = 0.25 Note that the derivate can be obtained directly: f’(x) = –0.4x 3 – 0.45x 2 – 1.0x – 0.25 The true value of f’(0.5) = In this example, the function and its derivate are known. However, in general, only tabulated data might be given. 13
Solution with Step Size = 0.5 f(0.5) = 0.925, f(0) = 1.2, f(1.0) = 0.2 Forward Divided Difference: f’(0.5) (0.2 – 0.925)/0.5 = | t | = |( )/ | = 58.9% Backward Divided Difference: f’(0.5) (0.925 – 1.2)/0.5 = | t | = |( )/ | = 39.7% Centered Divided Difference: f’(0.5) (0.2 – 1.2)/1.0 = -1.0 | t | = |( )/ | = 9.6% 14
Solution with Step Size = 0.25 f(0.5)=0.925, f(0.25)=1.1035, f(0.75)= Forward Divided Difference: f’(0.5) ( – 0.925)/0.25 = | t | = |( )/ | = 26.5% Backward Divided Difference: f’(0.5) (0.925 – )/0.25 = | t | = |( )/ | = 21.7% Centered Divided Difference: f’(0.5) ( – )/0.5 = | t | = |( )/ | = 2.4% 15
Discussion For both the Forward and Backward difference, the error is O(h) Halving the step size h approximately halves the error of the Forward and Backward differences The Centered difference approximation is more accurate than the Forward and Backward differences because the error is O(h 2 ) Halving the step size h approximately quarters the error of the Centered difference. 16
Use the forward-difference formula to approximate the derivative of f (x) = ln x at x0 = 1.8 using h = 0.1, h = 0.05, and h = 0.01, and determine bounds for the approximation errors. 17 Example 2
Solution The forward-difference formula f (1.8 + h) − f (1.8) h with h = 0.1 gives (ln 1.9 − ln 1.8)/0.1 = ( − )/0.1 = Because f’’(x) = −1/x 2 and 1.8 < ξ < 1.9, a bound for this approximation error is |hf’’(ξ )|/2 =|h|/2ξ 2 < 0.1/2(1.8) 2 =