5 January 2015 Objective: you will demonstrate knowledge of how dialogue helps define characters as well as move the plot forward by choosing a quote for each character & infer from it significant details of character’s personality Activities: Collect calendars & Wwords: Complacency, Comprehensive, Degradation, Endorse, Enmity & Flagrant Pass back diaries Add notes/ missing grammar points/ evaluate your diary based on the review of dialogue rules Vocabulary: page 111 Read pages & answer lettered questions A-F according to HW rubric Dialogue page 123 Your Turn HW: complete vocabulary & A-F response assignment
6 January 2015 Objective: you will demonstrate knowledge of how dialogue helps define characters as well as move the plot forward by choosing a quote for each character & infer from it significant details of character’s personality Activities: Collect Vocabulary: page 111 Read pages & answer lettered questions G-L according to HW rubric collect Complete the dialogue chart with a typical example of dialogue for each character Infer what this quote demonstrates about the character’s personality Respond to essay prompt in at least ten sentences, using at least one quote for support HW: complete dialogue chart & prompt response /test tomorrow on “Everyday Use”
sub Plans: 6 January 2015 Student objective: you will demonstrate knowledge of how dialogue helps define characters as well as move the plot forward by choosing a quote for each character & infer from it significant details of character’s personality Activities: Show agenda on projector Please collect vocabulary: page 111 Read / listen to pages & answer lettered questions G-L according to HW rubric collect Complete the dialogue chart with a typical example of dialogue for each character Infer what this quote demonstrates about the character’s personality Page 121: Respond to questions 3, 4, 7, 9, & 11 according to the HW rubric HW: complete dialogue chart & responses /test tomorrow on “Everyday Use” Materials: Teacher’s copy of lit book Class set of lit books Class set of chart worksheets Seating charts Accessing Holt On line Audio Online Access: my.hrw.com Username: svickland8 Password: hello Click on link for the aqua colored literature book Click on “student resources” tab Look for “Online Extras” at the bottom of the left hand column Click on “selection audio downloads” Scroll through list & click on Everyday Use part two You will have to turn up the volume knob on wall
7 January 2015 Objective: you will demonstrate knowledge of “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker by completing your test with 80% or higher Activities: Class discussion, using all your work to help support your ideas Test/ score/ collect HW: complete dialogue continuation/ computer lab tomorrow
8 January 2015 Objective: you will demonstrate knowledge of characters in “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker by creating your own dialogue for the characters, continuing the story from where Walker leaves it. Activities: Weekend Words: Derivative & Implausible Stamp rough drafts Go to computer lab: type them up and upload them to turnitin.com HW: complete WWords WW #5 test 19 Jan. Next week: Tale of Two Cities Are you interested in a Career in Child Care? Come to Room 622 on FRIDAY, January 15, SECOND PERIOD, to find out how you can begin training and a career in childcare! Sign up in the Career Center! Tracie Cross TPP Ext. 3054