What are personal pronouns? Grammar Toolkit
Personal pronouns stand in place of nouns referring to people or things. Trevor likes taking pictures of birds. “I like birds,” he says. He really likes the red-crested warbler because it is so beautiful. “Can you see that warbler?” Trevor asks. “Your eyes aren’t as good as my camera!” IheHe you it Your my
Grammar Toolkit Use first person personal pronouns to talk about yourself. I me my we us our ours myself mine I will check your work. It is the correct answer. Use second person pronouns when you are talking to someone. you your yours yourself Use third person pronouns when you are talking about someone or something else. he she him her it his hers its they them their theirs themselves You are doing well.
Grammar Toolkit Choose a personal pronoun to fill each gap. Leon loves mushrooms but Lionel hates _________. Jade was late, so I called _________ on _________ phone. The car gets washed when _______ gets dirty. You and __ are late, so hurry or Mum will leave without ____. Do _________ know how much a taxi costs? There are three flies in my soup. _________ look very happy. them hermy it Ius you They
Grammar Toolkit Is it me or I? Would you say, “Dad and I will visit Grandpa” or “Dad and me will visit Grandpa”? For the subject of a sentence, use I, you, we, he, she, it or they Dad and I will visit Grandpa. For the object of a sentence, use me, us, you, him, her, it or them Grandpa said he would visit me too. The noun group Dad and I is the subject because it is doing the action. me is the object because it is receiving the action.
Grammar Toolkit The pronouns in these sentences are wrong. What are the correct pronouns? Us students want better canteen food. Him and me went to the swimming centre. The tour guide gave my dad and I some good tips. She and me love hot chips. People around the world admired they. We We is the subject He and I He and I is the subject me me is an object She and I She and I is the subject them them is the object
Grammar Toolkit A pronoun stands in place of a noun. Personal pronouns stand in place of nouns referring to people or things. Personal pronouns have person, which refers to the person doing the speaking. For the common error of confusing me and I, use I for the subject of a sentence and me for the object. In the following sentence, the personal pronouns are red. Let me check if you have a temperature.
Grammar Toolkit