Tobacco Nicotine – is a highly addictive drug found in all tobacco products Carbon monoxide – is a gas in cigarette smoke that makes it hard for the body to get oxygen Tar – a gooey chemical that can coat the airways and that can cause cancer
Tobacco Products Cigarettes Smokeless tobacco Pipe tobacco Cigars Clove cigarettes – smokable tobacco products Bidis – unfiltered cigarettes (wrapped in brown leaves and tied w/ tread)
Health Effects/Dangers Coronary Heart Disease- damage or malfunction of the heart caused by blockage of the coronary arteries. Lung Cancer- damaged cells grow uncontrollably. Grow in lumps called tumors. Emphysema- Disease in which the tiny air sacs and walls of the lungs are permanently destroyed. Chronic Bronchitis- lining of the airways become swollen and irritated.
Other problems Cancers Gum & dental issues Pregnancy complications Eye diseases Reduces blood flow More illness/ longer to heal Increased blood pressure Blood clots Strokes & more
Reason teens smoke Peer pressure Family role models Advertising Internal pressures Curiosity Curiosity Rebellion Rebellion boredom boredom
Addiction Physical dependence – is a state in which your body needs a drug to function normally Psychological dependence – is a state in which you think that you need a drug in order to function
Tolerance and Withdrawal Tolerance- the process of the body getting used to a drug. The need for more in order to get the effects of the drug occurs as you build a tolerance. Withdrawal- how your body responds when a dependent person stops using the drug. Usually feelings of being anxious, irritable and tired are common.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke ETS or Second Hand Smoke is the smoke that is exhaled from smokers or the smoke coming from the lit end of a cigarette. People who breathe ETS are at risk of developing illnesses, such as lung cancer, even if they never smoke a day in their life.
Quitting Relapse- is to begin using a drug again after stopping for awhile. Cessation- the act of stopping something completely and permanently. NRT- (Nicotine Replacement Therapy) a form of medicine that contains small amounts of nicotine. Will gradually reduce withdrawal thru this method.