MY FAMILY (Family members, family tree)
1. Warm – up: Pairwork: You have got one minute to write down as many words connected with FAMILY as you can remember. Winner: the pair with the most correct words.
2. Family tree
3. Barbara's family tree ● Use these words to complete the text: Aunt, brother, cousin, daughter, divorced, father, generation, grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather, husband, married, mother, single, son, uncle, wedding, widow When describing Barbara's family tree, let's start with the oldest ____________________. Her _________________'s name is Catherine. She is a ________________ because her _________________ Joseph, Barbara's _________________, died two years ago. Catherine and Joseph had three children: Tim (Barbara's _____________), David (Barbara's ________________) and Susan (Barbara's ______________). Tim's daughter Nelly is Barbara's only ____________. Susan is still ______________. David ____________ Ellen in 1978 but they _______________ four years later. Only then he met Sarah, Barbara's _______________. Barbara was born in 1984 and her __________________ Peter two years later - in When studying in Prague, Barbara met Brian and they had their ______________ in Together they have a ________________Betty and a _________ Bob. The whole family meets very often but it is a pity that Bob has never seen his ___________________ Joseph. They would really enjoy playing together.
Key: Barbara's family tree When describing Barbara's family tree, let's start with the oldest generation. Her grandmother's name is Catherine. She is a widow because her husband Joseph, Barbara's grandfather, died two years ago. Catherine and Joseph had three children: Tim (Barbara's uncle), David (Barbara's father) and Susan (Barbara's aunt). Tim's daughter Nelly is Barbara's only cousin. Susan is still single. David married Ellen in 1978 but they divorced four years later. Only then he met Sarah, Barbara's mother. Barbara was born in 1984 and her brother Peter two years later - in When studying in Prague, Barbara met Brian and they had their wedding in Together they have a daughter Betty and a son Bob. The whole family meets very often but it is a pity that Bob has never seen his great-grandfather Joseph. They would really enjoy playing together.
4. Matching exercise Brian is David'snephew Nelly is son in law Ellen is David'sthe only child Jack is Barbara'sniece Betty is Susan'sex-wife Bob is Susan'shalf brother Catherine is Liz'swife Barbara is Brian'smother in law
Key: Matching exercise Brian is David's son in law Nelly is the only child Ellen is David's ex-wife Jack is Barbara's half brother Betty is Susan's niece Bob is Susan'snephew Catherine is Liz's mother in law Barbara is Brian's wife
5. Pairwork ● Draw your own family tree and use a few sentences to describe it to your partner. ● E.g. František and Kristýna are my grandparents. They have three children, my father Antonín, my aunt Tereza and my uncle Josef...
6. Game Find someone who... ● You will get a card with a sentence, e.g. Who has got one brother. ● Stand up, ask your classmates and find someone who has got one brother. ● If you find him/her, ask some additional questions, e.g. How old is he? ● Sum up your research.
7. Sources ● The picture of the family: &biw=1366&bih=636&tbm=isch&tbnid=hAJjejQZ_7ct1M:&im grefurl= -stick-figures- 3/&docid=YVwjPlbARi9TjM&imgurl= com/wp-content/gallery/family-stick- figures/familybw1800x1200.jpg&w=1800&h=1200&ei=aF1b UPvqH4bMsgbqz4H4Bg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=580&vpy=1 50&dur=4307&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=118&ty=94&sig= &page=5&tbnh=121&tbnw=181&n dsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:95,i:37