$50/sport $100 maximum per student $150 maximum per family Middle school fees are $30 per sport and do not apply towards any maximums. FEES CAN BE PAID IN THE OFFICE SIGN IN TO VERIFY ATTENDANCE WELCOME
To all student/athletes, parents, coaches and community for your continued support and commitment to Independence Athletics! was an exciting and fulfilling year! ?
Physical - (Four Pages). Only needed every other year. Alternate Year Card (If physical was taken last year). Insurance Waiver (Insurance Information) Athletic Code Booklet (Pages 17-24) WIAA Athletic Eligibility Bulletin (Pages 18-22) Emergency Form (Page 23) Acknowledgement/Concussion Form (Page 24) Media Release Box – If you DO NOT check this box, we WILL NOT release your likeness and name to the media.
Physical or Alternate Year Card Insurance Waiver if you have insurance Insurance Application if you are purchasing insurance. Emergency Information Form and Athletic Handbook/WIAA Bulletin/Media Acknowledgement/Concussion (back-to- back) Fees or Free & Reduced Lunch Application
Football and Girls’ Basketball – Mr. Zilla Girls’ Soccer – Mr. Cruz (Arcadia) Volleyball – Mrs. Olson Cross-Country – Mrs. Sonsalla Wrestling and Softball* – Mr. Risler Boys’ Basketball – Mr. Abing Baseball – Mr. Pape* Track – TBD Golf – Mr. Nix* Football Cheerleading – Mrs. Franks *- Coaches that have not been approved yet
Assistant Football- Mr. Mullikin and Mr. Bautch Assistant Volleyball – Mrs. Halama, Ms. Buss, Ms. Edison (volunteer) Assistant Boys’ Basketball – Mr. Manley Volunteer Assistant Boys Basketball- Mr. Fredrickson Assistant Girls’ Basketball- Ms. Filla Assistant Softball- Ms. Thompson* Assistant Track- Mrs. Sonsalla, Ms. Dokken, Mr. Boland* *- Coaches that have not been approved yet
Absence on the Day of a Game/Practice (Page 6) Clarified that tardies end at 9 am. Therefore, absences after 9 am that are not pre-excused prohibits the athlete from participating that day. CLOSED CAMPUS WAIVER Academic Eligibility When School Is Not in Session (Page 8) Suspension for Two of more failures from 4 th quarter will now follow WIAA regulations. Academic Eligibility When School is in Session
Wearing School Equipment (Page 4) Two sport participation. Meeting must be set up before seasons begin. Two-Sport Language (Page 5) – Gives priority to conference events when there is a conflict between sports. Equipment Return. (Page 9, Section 9.2) Awards Ceremonies. Attendance is mandatory. (Page 15) WIAA Athletic Eligibility Bulletin
Article 1 – Drinking or possession of alcohol. Article 2 – Misuse of Drugs. Article 3 – Tobacco/e-cigarettes Article 4 – Theft and Vandalism
1 st Offense – 50% of season, unless HONESTY CLAUSE* is in effect, then 25% of season. 2 nd Offense – 1 year. 3 rd Offense – 1 year. 4 th Offense – Complete loss of eligibility. *Offender must turn themselves in by end of the first working day after violation was committed or before the next scheduled athletic event or practice.
“Conduct Unbecoming of An Athlete”. Penalties are assessed on an individual case basis.
PAGE 12- Article Five Be Smart! “DON’T PRESS SEND”
Ashley will donate money towards our athletic programs for volunteer help. Check the Sign-up. This is for all athletes/parents Alcohol Policy/Volunteer SOP Manuals
Formed Four years ago. Most general fund money generated by athletic concessions and Ashley for the Arts volunteers. Significant support Uniforms and sports specific equipment Scoreboards Scorers Table Water bottle filler station Sport Video Cameras (3) Concession Stand upgrade Conference Banners
We would like one Parent representative from each sport to attend. Meeting tonight after code meeting and first Sunday of October, December, January, March, May, and June (annual meeting) Sign up for working concessions.
CVSG CVSG GO to Team Sales Indees School
Mental Toughness Accountability Caring SAY THANK YOU! video clip video clip
Athletic Code Emergency and Acknowledgement/Concussion Form. Please sign and return to Sue. Insurance Waiver. Physicals Fees (Free & Reduced Lunch) must be paid before student will be eligible.