Feudalism Chapter 15 Section 2
What is Feudalism? Feudalism developed in Europe in the Middle Ages. It was based on landowning, loyalty, and the power of armored knights on horseback.
Feudalism Feudalism is when landowning nobles governed(controlled) and protected the people in return for services These services included fighting in a noble’s army or farming the land Feudalism was based on ties of loyalty and duty among nobles.
Vocabulary VASSAL * Noble who served a lord of higher rank
Vassals The vassal would serve a lord and the lord would protect the vassal The vassal swore “to keep faith and loyalty to you (lord) against all others.” A vassal showed his loyalty by serving in his lord’s army In return, the lord gave his vassal land and permission to rule the people who lived on it
Vocabulary Fief- a grant of land
Vocabulary KNIGHTS * warriors in armor who fought on horseback
Knights The vassals were knights They wore coats of mail-armor made from metal links- and carried swords Knights would charge enemies, spearing them with their lances They were the most powerful soldiers in Europe
Vocabulary PEASANTS and SERFS * Poor,uneducated laborers who lived and worked the land of the nobles
The Manorial System Manors- the lands of the fief The lords ruled the manor, and peasants worked the land Some peasants were freemen who paid the noble for the right to farm the land They had rights and could move whenever and wherever they wanted
Most peasant were serfs. They could NOT leave the manor, own property, or marry without the lord’s approval Serfs were not enslaved and could not be sold Lords had to protect their serfs Serfs
Serfs worked long hours on the lord’s land They had to give a portion of their own crops to the lord and pay him One way for serfs to gain their freedom was to run away to a town and remain there for more than a year He/She was free after the year was over Later, Serfs were allowed to buy their freedom
Farming Europeans invented new technology that helped increase the amount of crops they could grow. Heavy-wheeled plow, horse collar, and water mills
Three-field system Peasants learned to grow more food by rotating crops on three fields instead of one. This rotation kept soil fertile
Nobles were the most powerful people in Europe When noblemen went to war, their wives and daughters ran the manors Nobles lived in castles Knights followed the code of chivalry and were expected to obey his lord, be brave, show respect to women of noble birth, honor the church and help people. Life in Feudal Europe
Peasant life Peasants lived in simple, wood-framed cottages with straw roofs and a single room They worked year-round During breaks from work, they went to church Peasant women worked in the fields and raised children
King Nobles/Barons Knights Peasants/Serfs The Feudal System Need to know...
Nobles Knights land (fiefs)protection Peasants protectionlabor (work) King
You are Nobility… Compose a classified ad seeking the services of a knight. Consider your audience and the formality expected of a Lord (you). Include the required qualities and duties as well as what you are prepared to offer in return for his allegiance *Note the ‘Points to Consider’ on both sides of the board.
You have been demoted… From the point of view of a peasant/serf – Write an editorial in which you outline complaints/concerns regarding your everyday life.
You are a designer for a Advertising Firm… Design ads for two guilds. Remember the points to consider.