Representation Recap Learning Objective: Revise key terms and concepts related to representation
Representation What is meant by representation? What are the different areas of representation which might covered be in your exam? Gender Age Sexuality Social class and Region Disability / Ability Ethnicity and Religion
Key terms revision Define Stocktype Define Stereotype Define Demographic What factors make up someone’s demographic? Give three stereotypes of men and three of women What is the difference between subvert and conform? Give a stereotype of both teenagers and old people What is a post feminist woman? What is a metrosexual? Give a stereotype of a homosexual man and a woman According to traditional social class measurements what is an A and what is an E? What could be a stereotype of someone who lives in the country? What is a stereotype of someone with a physical disability? What is a stereotype of a young Muslim man?
Task Watch ten minutes of Casualty and consider the representation of the following demographic factors: Based on age. Based on gender. Based on ethnicity. Are any of the stereotypes subverted by any of the characters? Prepare to feedback at the end of the episode…