МБОУ лицей «Технико-экономический» Г. Новороссийск Изучение лексики по теме «Рождество» для 5-7 классов Составитель учитель высшей категории Донцова Татьяна Анатольевна
the Father Frost or the Father Christmas A New year tree or A Christmas Tree
a reindeer a helper of the Father Frost
a wreath a house to decorate a door of a house with a wreath
let's decorate a Christmas tree a star
a bow a ball
a candy cane
an angel
a snowflake
a wreath
a stocking
a candle holly
to decorate a chimney with stockings and candles
under the Christmas tree presents to give presents
let's try to say it
to cook a Christmas pudding The Christmas food
a cake
a showman to make a snowman winter activites
to play snowballs
to skating
to toboggan
to skiing