By Beth Franks and Eleanor Whitham
Page one One scorching hot day in the African sunlight Anansi the spider was taking a nice morning stroll through the forest. Then from the whistles of his ear, Anansi heard a loud crunch, crunch, crunch, ba-boom!
Page two Anansi turned around to see what it was and right in front of his eyes was a dark, damp, creepy, monster-infested forest! Although it was this terrifying, Anansi wasn’t afraid of anything so he just wandered right in.
Page three While Anansi was in this terrifying place he thought he heard a crunch, crunch, crunch, ba-boom. He stopped, he stared and right at the corner of his eye he thought he saw his friends, but they weren’t really, they were a evil version!
Page 4 Anansi the spider walked over to his friends and said a nice, gentle “hi” but as soon as he could say anything else they grabbed him by the waist and put him at the top of a tree!
Page five Then out from the darkest corner in the forest appeared a creepy, bony, scary, skeleton ! “Help me, help me,” moaned the skeleton “ I’ll help you if you help me” said Anansi, in a sly sort of way.”Okay, what do you need help with?”...
Page six Anansi pulled a cross face at the skeleton and shouted “GET ME DOWWNNN !” So the skeleton grabbed his sword and in 3 seconds the tree was chopped down. Anansi landed flat on his face but he didn’t care because he had tricked the skeleton and started running of f.
Page seven But Anansi was in great danger for his none friends were at the entrance of the forest and once they found him they tied him to a tree.
Page eight Then the same skeleton came along again and said “I’ll help you, now first give me all your belongings. So Anansi gave him is belongings, “thanks Anansi, bye “
Page nine moral ~ don’t trick others or you’ll be tricked back.