José Ramón Picatoste Oficina Española de Cambio Climático LIFE – SHARA (LIFE15 GIC/ES/000033) Sharing Awareness and Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change in Spain 10 th EIONET Workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark June 2016
CONTEXT: CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION IN EU AND SPAIN PNACC 2007 Working Group on IVA º Monitoring Report º Monitoring Report European Adaptation Strategy Green Paper on Adaptation White Paper on Adaptation 3º Monitoring Report 2º Work Programme1º Work Programme ECCE 2016 LIFE SHARA National Adaptation Platform Happy PNACC 10th birthday ! 3º Work Programme
European Adaptation Strategy LIFE – SHARA Preparing the LIFE ground: The governance of 3º PNACC WP: Good governance in implementing the 3º Work Programme requires a range of actions and initiatives aimed at increasing our collective capacities to adapt to climate change, among which the following are included: Coordination across and within administrations Opening channels for participation of most relevant stakeholders Promoting associations and partnerships Interaction between science-planning-management Dissemination, communication and training Awareness raising 3º PNACC Work Programme
LIFE SHARA (Sept June 2021) (LIFE15 GIC/ES/000033) LIFE SHARA fulfils the following priorities (LIFE Regulation and Guidelines): PRIORITY AREA: “Climate Governance and Information” Promoting better climate governance by broadening stakeholder involvement, Supporting communication, management, and dissemination of information and facilitating knowledge sharing Building coordination platforms Exchange of best practice and awareness raising on climate change vulnerabilities and climate change adaptation options Adaptation indicators, risk communication and management linking the existing information-sharing systems for adaptation. PRIORITY AREA: “Adaptation to climate change” Fully aligned with the EU Adaptation Strategy (enhancement of knowledge, support vulnerability assessments, national adaptation strategies including cross-border actions...)
LIFE SHARA (Sept June 2021) (LIFE15 GIC/ES/000033) PARTNERS Oficina Española de Cambio Climático (OECC, Spanish Climate Change Office) Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA, Portuguese Environment Agency) Fundación Biodiversidad (FB, Biodiversity Foundation) Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET, Spanish Met Agency) Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales – Centro Nacional de Eduacación Ambiental (OAPN-CENEAM, National Park Service – Environmental Education Centre)
LIFE SHARA (Sept June 2021) (LIFE15 GIC/ES/000033)
GOVERNANCE: Enhancing the capacity of AdapteCCa platform (C1-C3) LIFE-SHARA 3 Implementation Actions. AdapteCCa is a cooperation platform created in 2013 to support knowledge sharing, dissemination of information and networking in the field of adaptation. One of the goals of the LIFE project is to increase the functionalities of the platform, improve the quality and quantity of the information and promote the dissemination in order to facilitate the use of the tool by all stakeholders in Spain.
GOVERNANCE: Strengthening technical capacities for adaptation to climate change and raising awareness (C4-C8) LIFE-SHARA 5 Implementation Actions Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change are fields of knowledge relatively new for the most part of the population in Spain. Besides, some policy makers at sectoral, regional and local level are still reluctant to set up actions and strategies on adaptation, since they do not have the sufficient expertise to undertake these policies. This project will overcome such lack of information by organizing training courses and activities of dissemination on climate change adaptation outcomes. Through the implementation of these actions, the relevance of the PNACC and the need for adaptation action will be widely disseminated throughout the Spanish society, paying special attention to the training of trainers. One of the action of this specific objective is the organization of the first Iberian Conference on Climate Change Adaptation.
GOVERNANCE: Enhancing coordination and cooperation among stakeholders (C9-C12) LIFE-SHARA 4 Implementation Actions The project foresees the reinforcement of links with private sector, all levels of the Spanish administrations (national, regional and local) and Portugal as a bordering country with similar challenges on climate change vulnerabilities. Also the project includes an action that points to the European level, in order to reinforce the synergies between the European Climate-ADAPT and the Spanish AdapteCCa adaptation platforms.
Relationships among LIFE SHARA preparatory and implementation actions, and their relative weight in the whole project, according with their respective budget LIFE-SHARA
REMARKS AND CONCLUSIONS LIFE-SHARA LIFE SHARA points out to the core of the climate change adaptation governance. Expected results focus in offer a powerful improved adaptation tool (AdapteCCa), expanding the level of awareness and building capacities to increase the resilience to climate change and involve key stakeholders to work together and mainstream adaptation in their planning and managing activities. LIFE SHARA provides a framework that supports the national action for climate change adaptation in Spain in the next 5 years and reinforce the links with the European level. LIFE SHARA poses the basis for a long term transnational cooperation mechanism between the Adaptation Units of Portugal and Spain that will catalyze joint actions and projects, and will conduct to the organization of the Iberian Conference on Adaptation. LIFE SHARA points out to the core of the climate change adaptation governance. Expected results focus in offer a powerful improved adaptation tool (AdapteCCa), expanding the level of awareness and building capacities to increase the resilience to climate change and involve key stakeholders to work together and mainstream adaptation in their planning and managing activities. LIFE SHARA provides a framework that supports the national action for climate change adaptation in Spain in the next 5 years and reinforce the links with the European level. LIFE SHARA poses the basis for a long term transnational cooperation mechanism between the Adaptation Units of Portugal and Spain that will catalyze joint actions and projects, and will conduct to the organization of the Iberian Conference on Adaptation.
José Ramón Picatoste Oficina Española de Cambio Climático LIFE – SHARA (LIFE15 GIC/ES/000033) Sharing Awareness and Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change in Spain Thank you very much… 10 th EIONET Workshop on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation EEA, Copenhagen, Denmark June 2016