1 Internal Integration Strategy - WP8 Gunnar Sand and Ragnhild Rønneberg The University Centre in Svalbard Kick-off meeting GRD
2 What’s it all about ? Current and new Infrastructure / research equipment for effective and high quality study for the understanding of climate and environmental changes In and around Svalbard – Mapping, status, improve use, share, invest for the future….. – Collect – Aggregate – Quality control – Handle – Provide – Distribute – Coordinate …..data to be used for research purposes, policy making – and actions !
3 High Arctic – early warning for climate changes Many observations done and many on going in a broad range of disciplines Many different modelling systems in many disciplines Many un-answered questions ! Sub-optimal use of research equipment !? New investments needed – which and for what purpose?
4 SIOS in a nutshell Build an interdisciplinary environmental research and monitoring infrastructure capable of observing the Earth system in the Arctic and providing the observational basis for verification of Earth System models in this region. Integrate the studies of: –Geophysical, –chemical and –biological processes for all monitoring platforms (ocean, ice, terrestrial, atmosphere) Establish a Knowledge Centre EGEE user forum
5 From gaps to platforms…. Gap –analysis 1.Magnetosphere, ionosphere and connection to climate (Kjellmar Oksavik, UNIS) 2.The coupled arctic climate system; atmosphere – ocean – ice 3.Environmental changes and marine ecosystems 4.Environmental changes and terrestrial ecosystems (Hanne H Christiansen, UNIS) 5.Solid Earth large-scale processes 6.Environmental pollution; sources, transport and effects (Roland Kallenborn, UNIS/NILU) Ocean/ Marine Terrestrial Ice/Glaciers Atmospheric/ Space
6 KC - the node in the structure Atmospheric / Space Terrestrial Ocean / Marine Ice / glaciers Observational platforms Integrating platform Knowledge Centre Selected contributing organizations UNISNPIAWIAARINERCCNRIGFPASPRIC ACIA Selected end- users: Policy makers, modelling systems, NGOs IPCCEU European government policy boards
7 WP8 - internal integration strategy Objective: Develop tools and structure which will guarantee current highly diversified and fragmented assembly of research infrastructures in Svalbard to be unified under a common umbrella and integrated Requires: Common scientific Integration plan Strong inter- and cross disciplinary focus Holistic approach in establishing new infrastructure A common outreach and communication strategy New structure = SIOS knowledge centre
8 WP8 – how to achieve the goals ? Dedicated meetings and workshops Interdisciplinary agenda Involving earth system science experts Tailored excursions to observational sites -> new insight Regular inquiries about planned campaigns and investments Purpose build design of data/measurements presentation in the data centre Tailor made education modules – regular and summer schools
9 WP8 - Tasks T8.1. Scientific integration plan (RUG) T8.2. Observational integration plan (AWI) T8.3. Integration through education and outreach measures (UNIS) T8.4. The knowledge centre as the core integration element (SSF/UNIS) T8.5. Annual SIOS assembly (RCN) We will establish a working group with these institutes to speed up the process…..
10 WP 8 – Deliverables and milestones Deliverables (responsible body) – months after start ( ) D8.1SIOS Scientific coordination and integration strategy (RUG) – 18 months D8.2SIOS observation coordination plan (AWI) – 24 months D8.3KC implementation plan – function and services defined (UNIS) – 24 months D8.4SIOS interactive web portal (NFR) – 34 months D8.5SIOS education program – first 2 years of operation (UNIS) – 36 months D8.6Kick-off meeting and three SIOS annual assemblies (NRC) – 36 months Milestones: –SIOS assembli(es) accomplished (13 months) –SIOS Interactive portal fully operational (34 months) –SIOS educational and study plan worked out (36 months)
11 WP8 in cooperation with the other WPs WP A legal aspects WP 3 financial strategy WP 2 legal and governance structure WP 6 data mangement and utilisation plan WP 5 logistics plan WP 7 remote sensing strategy WP 8 internal integration strategy WP 9 international coop. and integration WP1 project management WP B environmental framework WP C gap analysis WP 4 infrastructure access
12 The Knowledge Centre “The heart and mind of SIOS”: Where the needs of Earth System Modeling are addressed. Where all activities are coordinated. Where all research and monitoring data are shared. Where all participating nations/ institutions have equal influence on priorities. Where all participating nations/ institutions have equal access to results. … including Education and Outreach …….
13 Our plans - in short….. From October 1th October 1th 2013 Participate in work on: –clarification of legal status –governance structure and financial strategy –business plan –other strategic processes During early spring 2011 –Finalize the gab-synthesis report –Announce the partners to give input to KC/WP8 –Organize a workshop for WP8 (in Svalbard) Scientific issues Legal issues Organisational issues From end of SIOS operational phase –the KC is up and running, ready to provide good service and nice science (since much infrastructure already in place) We have organised our work in an internal working group to be able to follow up the different topics and cross-linkages
14 What comes first ? WPs interrelation – tasks – deliverables etc. to keep other moving….. We are all dependent on to each other
15 Let’s go and have some fun ……