Bellwork Define the word “mood”. Consider what the word might mean in relation to literature and poetry. Turn in “The Method” on the student poem from Writing Analytically. Next vocabulary assignment will be due on Tuesday, November 1 st.
Definition of “mood” (in relation to poetry) The mood refers to the atmosphere that is prevalent in the poem. Different elements of a poem such as its setting, tone, voice, and theme help establish this atmosphere. As a result, the mood evokes certain feelings and emotions in the reader. Keep this definition in mind while we analyze “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost.
“Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost Read the poem to yourself silently Listen to it read out loud twice
“Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost Considering the definition of “mood” in relation to poetry, what are some words that relate to the mood of the poem?
Possible Words Lonely, creepy, dark, ominous, silent.
“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost Each stanza is connected to the next. Why? Is it the futility of trying to escape the past or the futility of trying to escape death? Respond to this question in your commonplace books. You may want to jot the question down, because you will be returning to it again.
“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost Annotate the poem on your own, and some students will be annotating the poem on the board. Number the lines. It will make it easier to refer to specific lines if everyone has numbered them. Focus on the rhyme scheme. What is the rhyme scheme?
“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” and “The Method” In groups of no more than 4, you will use your annotated poem to complete “The Method”. You and your group need to use the online file to complete “The Method”. One person needs to turn it in to You may begin the process on paper, if you wish (there are copies of “The Method” handout available). Make sure to include the names of every group member.
Closure After annotating the poem and completing “The Method”, what do you think the meaning of this poem is? Explain in at least 1 paragraph.