1 Climate Stability Bonds Ronnie Horesh
2 Climate Stability Bonds Goal: “climate stability” at minimum cost
3 Climate Stability Bonds Redeemable for guaranteed price when climate stability has been achieved.
4 Climate Stability Bonds Backed by governments Do not bear interest Example: bond redeemable for $1m once climate is stable Auctioned for $ Bondholders make 900% profit if they hold bond till redemption
5 Climate Stability Bonds Prices vary with likelihood of climate stabilising If nobody buys bonds, their price falls Eventually it becomes profitable for people to buy and help stabilise the climate
6 Climate Stability Bonds Bondholders have incentives to: Co-operate with each other Finance climate-stabilising projects Pay according to performance
7 Climate Stability Bonds Main advantages Efficiency: cascading incentives to achieve target efficiently Outcome-focused: deals with scientific uncertainty
8 Climate Stability Bonds More advantages... Transparency and consensus Better money flows Pricing displays vital information
9 Climate Stability Bonds Governments set goal Private sector achieves goal Governments ultimately pay for achievement
10 Climate Stability Bonds