UNCLASSIFIED Lift the living standards and wellbeing of all Victorians by sustainably growing Victoria’s economy and employment and by working with the private and public sectors to foster innovation, creativity, productivity, investment and trade A productive, competitive and sustainable Victorian economy that contributes to a prosperous and inclusive society OUR VISION Our people strategy and practices will enhance our capacity to support economic growth Our culture will enable us to deliver our strategies Empower our people and develop leaders and leadership at all staff levels Create a safe environment and support employee wellbeing Create a high-performing organisation with a culture of excellence Develop processes and systems to optimise performance Attract, sponsor and develop talent and strengthen management capability OUR MISSION Our systems and practices will support our work OUR SYSTEMS Victoria is becoming increasingly globally-connected The structure of the economy continues to change, which creates significant new opportunities but also transitional impacts The Victorian economy has underperformed in recent years The Victorian Government has a critical role, in partnership with the community, to foster investment, growth and employment opportunities, and support workers, industries and regions adversely impacted by structural change OUR CONTEXT Build more productive and liveable cities and regions through transport, infrastructure, land use planning and cultural investments Gain and maintain competitive advantage through active industry and innovation policy Improve conditions for business through efficient taxation, regulation and public sector reforms Better connect Victoria to national and global markets by increasing targeted trade and investment attraction Develop Victorians’ capabilities and foster inclusion through skills and employment OUR FOUR-YEAR PRIORITIES OUR FOUR-YEAR STRATEGIES Use information in developing evidence basis for policy and programs Develop supportive, flexible IT systems and skills Use data as a strategic resource Productive Globally connected Attractive Sustainable Innovative Inclusive OUR TEN-YEAR OUTCOMES Businesses and government become more productive Victoria has a strong presence in global markets for goods, services, information and people Victoria is a sought-after destination to visit, invest and live Economic growth is enduring, resilient in the face of change and environmentally responsible Victoria is an adaptive, creative and innovative economy with ready access to capital Employment and incomes are improved for all Victorians and shared across regions Synthesise analyse and exploit information resources OUR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES Educational and research institutions Strong industries, including export oriented service sectors Proximity to Asia Skilled workforce Liveability Resources Transport infrastructure Well-connected cities and regional centres »Increase the value, speed and targeting of trade and investment for Melbourne and Victoria »Make it easier for businesses to operate in Victoria by improving services, regulation and access to markets »Build resilience and minimise transition impacts across our economy, workforce, sectors and regions with a focus on strategies for growth »Stimulate innovation by supporting the creation and application of new knowledge, technologies and practices »Ensure our transport, energy and other economic infrastructure and services remains a source of competitive advantage and delivers efficient, reliable and safe outcomes that are valued by consumers »Sustainably grow our natural resource economy »Establish Victoria’s position as a premier creative and visitor economy, providing quality cultural, recreational and tourism experiences »Minimise the impact of emergencies through effective preparation, coordination and response »Engage constructively with the community, business, the workforce, and other government entities »Improve our strategic planning and implementation of policies, programs and investment, and use of outcome goals, evaluations and forecasting ENABLERS OUR CULTURE OUR PEOPLE DEDJTR Strategic Plan 2015 Strategic Plan Summary Cultural diversity Open, transparent and collaborative Values diversity and different perspectives Empowers staff to contribute and to take managed risks Values experience and expertise Fosters innovation, drives improvement and captures opportunities Design and implement efficient business systems to facilitate productivity and collaboration Adopt practices which encourage, support and recognise collaboration across all our people and teams Develops our people Enables agility, flexibility and mobility