Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark Expedition
The Louisiana Purchase 1803 Purchased from France $15 million dollars ($.04/acre) Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains FACTS
The Louisiana Purchase Concern about trade along Mississippi France might expand France might interfere with trade on Miss. River US must control New Orleans CAUSES
Doubled the size of US France no longer a threat in North America Trade on Miss. River increases More farmland available EFFECTS
The Lewis & Clark Expedition Find water route to Pacific Establish friendly relations with Indians Justify buying all the land Satisfy our curiosity about what lay beyond…. GOALS
The Lewis & Clark Expedition 8000 miles May 1804-Sept 1806 (2.5 years) 50 men led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark Begin/end in St Louis, Missouri JOURNEY
The Lewis & Clark Expedition Up the Missouri River – mosquitoes, blisters from rowing By winter, camp in N. Dakota with Mandan Indians Meet French trapper Toussaint Charbonneau and his wife, Sacagawea, a Shoshone Indian CHALLENGES
The Lewis & Clark Expedition With Sacagawea’s help as guide and translator, they continue to Rockies – at Continental Divide by August 1805 Over Rockies, follow Snake River to Columbia River to Pacific CHALLENGES
The Lewis & Clark Expedition The journey west ends in Oregon, Nov Spent a few months at Fort Clatsop Return journey began March, 1806 Arrived in St. Louis in September 1806, much to everyone’s surprise Conclusion
What Happened Next? Definition: The belief that the United States has the RIGHT and the DUTY to expand to the Pacific Remember Manifest Destiny?
Who Came West? First – hunters, trappers, fur traders. They stayed near rivers Next – settlers and land speculators. They cleared land Then – criminals and scoundrels Eventually – religious groups, farmers, ranchers
How did they get there? Wagon - by 1840s, Oregon Trail, Mormon Trail National Road – begun in 1806, by 181 stretched to Western Virginia River – steamboat invented in 1807, Erie Canal, 1825 Railroad – by 1850s crisscrossed the country