PERSONALITY The unique combination of emotional, thought, and behavioral patterns that effect how a person reacts to situations and reacts with others. Most often described in terms of measurable traits that a person exhibits.
Most Well-known Approaches: 1.) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) 2.) Big Five Model
) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) This personality assessment consists of more than 100 questions that ask people how they usually act or feel in different situations.
Social Interaction EXTROVERT (E) INTROVERT (I) Out-going, dominant and often aggressive Someone who wants to change the world Needs a work environment that’s varied and action oriented Shy and withdrawn and focuses in understanding the world Prefer a quiet and concentrated work environment 4 Dimensions:
Preference for gathering data SENSITIVE (S) INTUITIVE (N) Dislike new problems unless there are standard ways to solve them Prefer an establish routine Have a high need for closure Show patience with routine details Tend to be good at precise work Like solving new problems Dislike doing the same thing over and over again Jump to conclusions Impatient with routine details Dislike taking time for precision
Preference for Decision Making FEELING (F) THINKING (T) Aware of other people and their feelings Like harmony Need occasional praise Dislike telling people unpleasant things Tend to be sympathetic Relate well to most people Unemotional and uninterested in people’s feelings Like analysis and putting things into logical order Able to reprimand people and fire them when necessary May seem hard-hearted Tend to relate well only to other thinking types
Style of making decisions PERCEPTIVE (P) JUDGMENTAL (J) Curious, spontaneous, flexible, adaptable, and tolerant They focus on starting a task Postpone decisions Want to find out all about the task before starting it Good planners, decisive, purposeful, and exacting Focus on completing a task Make decisions quickly Want only the information necessary to get a task done
(4) Examples of MBTI Personality Types: TYPE DESCRIPTION INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Judgmental) Quietly forceful, conscientious, and concerned for others Such people succeed through perseverance, originally, and the desire to do whatever is needed or wanted They are often highly respected for their uncompromising principles
TYPE DESCRIPTION ESTP (Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceptive) Blunt and sometimes insensitive Such people are matter- of-fact and do not worry or hurry They enjoy whatever comes along They work best with real things that can be assembled or disassembled
TYPE DESCRIPTION ISFP (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceptive) Sensitive, kind, modest, shy and quietly friendly Such people strongly dislike disagreements and will avoid them They are loyal followers They are quite often relaxed about getting things done
TYPE DESCRIPTION ENTJ (Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judgmental) Warm, friendly, candid, and decisive Also usually skilled in anything that requires reasoning and intelligent talk May sometimes overestimate what they are capable of doing
Personality traits: 1. EXTRAVERSION The degree to which someone is Sociable, Talkative and Assertive 2. AGREEABLENESS The degree to which someone is Good- natured, Cooperative and Trusting 2.) BIG FIVE MODEL A personality trait model that examines extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience
CONSCIENTIOUSNESS The degree to which someone is Responsible, Dependable, Persistent and Achievement Oriented 5. OPENNESS to EXPERIENCE The degree to which someone is Calm, Enthusiastic, and Secure or Tense, Nervous, Depressed and Insecure 4. EMOTIONAL STABILITY The degree to which someone is Imaginative, Artistically Sensitive and Intellectual
) LOCUS OF CONTROL First Case: INTERNAL Second Case: EXTERNAL These people believe that they control their own destiny. These people believe that their lives are controlled by external forces 2.) MACHIAVELLIANISM An individual who is high in Machiavellianisms pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and believes that ends can justify means. Niccolo Machiavelli –Machiavellianism was named after him - wrote in 16th cent. On how to gain and manipulate power
) SELF-ESTEEM HIGH Self-esteem LOW Self-esteem They possess the ability they need in order to succeed at work Takes more risks Choose unconventional jobs Susceptible to external influence Depend on receiving positive evaluations from others More likely to seek approval from others More prone to conform to the belief s and behaviors of those they respect An individual's degree of like or dislike for himself or herself
) SELF-MONITORING HIGH LOW Show considerable adaptability in adjusting their behavior Highly sensitive to external cues Can behave differently in different situations Cant adjust their behaviors Tend to display their true disposition and attitude in every situation A personality trait that measures the ability to adjust behavior to external situational factors. 5.) RISK TAKING
OTHER PERSONALITY TRAITS: Type A Personality Type B Personality Someone who is continually and aggressively struggling to achieve more and more in less and less time. Subject themselves to continual time pressure and deadlines Have moderate to high levels of stress Are not hurried by the desire to achieve more and more Don’t suffer from a sense of time urgency Are able to relax without guilt
Emotions People who identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs. Intense feelings that are directed at someone or something. Proactive Personality 6 Universal Emotions: ANGER, FEAR, SADNESS, HAPPINESS, DISGUST and SURPRISE
Emotional Intelligence (EI) The ability to notice and to manage emotional cues and information Ability to be aware of what you’re feeling 5 Dimensions: 1. SELF-AWARENESS 2. SELF-MANAGEMENT Ability to manage your own emotions and impulses
SELF-MOTIVATION The ability to persist in the face of setbacks and failures The ability to sense how others are feeling 4. EMPATHY The ability to handle the emotions of others 5. SOCIAL SKILLS
Holland’s Personality-Job Fit Key Points: 1. There appear to be intrinsic differences in personality among individuals 2. There are different types of jobs 3. People in job environment compatible with their environment are more satisfied Developed by psychologist JOHN HOLLAND His theory states that an employee’s satisfaction with his/ her job depends on the degree to which the individual’s personality matches the job environment
Basic Personality Types: TYPE Sample Occupation 1. REALISTIC Personality Characteristic Prefers physical activities that requires skill, strength and coordination Mechanic Drill press operator Assembly- line worker Farmer Shy Genuine Persistent Stable Conforming Practical
INVESTIGATIVE Prefers activities involving thinking, organizing and understand ing Analytical Original Curious Independe nt Biologist Economist Mathematici an News Reporter TYPE Personality Characteristic Sample Occupation
Personality Characteristic 3. SOCIAL Prefers activities that involve helping and developing others Sociable Friendly Cooperati ve Understan ding Social worker Teacher Counselor Clinical psychologist Sample Occupation TYPE
Conforming Efficient Practical Unimaginati ve Inflexible Prefers rule regulated, orderly, and unambiguou s activities Accountant Corporate Manager Bank teller File clerk 4. CONVENTIONAL Personality Characteristic TYPE Sample Occupation
Self- confident Ambitious Energetic domineerin g Prefers verbal activities in which there are opportunitie s to influence others and attain power Barrister Solicitor Real estate agent Public relations specialist Small business manager 5. ENTERPRISING Personality Characteristic Sample Occupation TYPE
Imaginative Disorderly Idealistic Emotional Impractical Prefers ambiguous and unsystematic activities that allow creative expression Painter Musician Writer Interior decorator 6. ARTISTIC Personality Characteristic TYPE Sample Occupation
PERCEPTION A process by which we give meaning to our environment by organizing and interpreting sensory impressions.
Factors that influence Perception: PERCEIVER TARGET being perceived SITUATION in which the perception appears
Attribution Theory A theory used to explain how we judge people differently, depend on what meaning we attribute to a given behavior INTERNAL CAUSED BEHAVIORS -are those that are believed to be under the personal control of individual EXTERNAL CAUSED BEHAVIORS -results from outside factors
Factors: Refers to whether an individual displays different behaviors in different situations 1. DISTINCTIVENESS 2. CONSENSUS 3. CONSISTENCY
Fundamental Attribution Error The tendency for us to attribute our own success to internal factors, such as ability or effort while putting the blame for personal failure on external factors such as luck The tendency to under estimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal or personal factors Self-serving Bias
Shortcuts used in Judging Others: Aka: “LIKE ME” effect The observer’s perception of others is influenced more by the observer’s own characteristics than by those of the person observed Assumed Similarity
Stereotyping Judging a person on the basis of one’s perception of a group to which he or she belongs A general impression of an individual that is influenced by a single characteristic Halo Effect
Members: Bito-on, Roland Jorbina, Juan Alfonso Regala, Mike Anthony Tubilleja, Theodor Uy, Vanessa Angel Vicente, Kimberly Jane