Your white coats have arrived… Hello my name is… VitalPac for Doctors Doctors white coats We reflect, we learn, we improve Whatever your grade, F1s through to ST9s, you are required to wear a white coat while on duty* If you have not already collected your coats please contact Carol James ext 3429 *Does not apply to doctors in paediatrics or psychiatry
…from Monday 5 October to Friday 30 October between 7.30am and 4.00pm for staff flu vaccination clinics The Cyber Café will be open after 4pm and before 7.30am as usual, and at weekends Flu Central is taking over the cyber café … October is staff flu vaccination month at Flu Central in the cyber cafe The Cyber Café will be unavailable for other purposes during this time but as an interim arrangement (during flu clinic hours) staff will be able to use the staff area of the restaurant to eat their lunch etc.
EPMA is going LIVE on Knightley Ward Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration EPMA is currently used on Eleanor & Holcot wards And on Monday 21 September, EPMA will GO LIVE on Knightley Ward Patients TRANSFERRED from EPMA will have a printed EPMA drug chart for transcription If you read or write on the Knightley paper drug chart you will need EPMA training and a login Over coming months, the EPMA system will be rolled out to other wards in the Trust For more information: See The Street/Clinical Systems and click on ‘Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration’, on the left hand side OR Contact Andy Brown Project Manager, Ext / 3385
We put patient safety above all else MRSA screening on transfer Tina Arnold – Infection Prevention Team – Ext 5785 All patients being transferred to Cliftonville or Blenheim must have a full MRSA screen prior to transfer (For further information please refer to the MRSA policy) A record of the screen, including sites, should be documented in the transfer paperwork
We put patient safety above all else Completing a ‘community’ DNACPR form Siobhan Bullock – Resuscitation Service - Ext 4259/4981 Complete only when you intend a DNACPR decision made whilst the patient is an inpatient to be valid after their discharge (ie valid until the end of life) Form on the intranet under ‘Essential forms’ - clinical Must be a colour version Minimum ST3 to complete Inform ambulance control Update eDN Communicate with patient/family If the patient was admitted with a community form check it is valid and the original Please follow the full NGH instructions on page two of the form (Main points summarised in panel on the left)
If you are due for revalidation between April, May and June 2016, you should have received an invitation to a workshop on If you have not received your invite please contact Belinda Wood - Ext 3437 Are you REVALIDATION ready? Thursday 24 September or Friday 9 October 2.00pm – 4.00pm Cripps Postgraduate Centre, Lecture Hall If you have any questions about Revalidation please NMC Revalidation or contact Belinda Wood or Maggie Coe Nurses and midwives…