O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 FAIR ACC planning and schedule O. Kester 6th FAIR - Machine Advisory Committee Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 FAIR ACC planning and schedule O. Kester 6th FAIR - Machine Advisory Committee Meeting

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 Outline 1. FAIR ACC project structure 2. FAIR ACC scheduling 3. Resource and procurement strategy planning 4. Request for funding (Projektmittelantrag – PMA) 5. Requests concerning civil construction and radiation safety 2

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 FAIR ACC project management 3 O. Kester Project leader, chair AAB U. Weinrich (head) P. Karampougiouki, G. Aberin-Wolters (assistance) P. Busch ( Data and document management) G. Hickler (Engineering, procurement) C. Omet (Synchrotrons, support technical coordination) N.N. (component data base) W. Jacoby (scheduling, inkind contracts) Technical follow up team FAIR ACC project management group (ACC PO): FAIR ACC project lead AAB Project House Common Systems HESRS-FRSpBar-Sep P-linac HEBT CR H. Kollmus D. Prasuhn SIS 100 F. Hagenbuck L. GroeningK. KnieM. SteckM. Winkler P.Spiller Subprojects U. Weinrich Deputy FAIR project leader board (EXP, S&B,ACC,PMO) Head in kind coordinator W. Jacoby (acting) Head technical follow up co-chair AAB P. Spiller technical coordinator PMO

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 WBS of the subproject FAIR ACC

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 The scheduling process  Establishment of coordinated bottom up schedule started in AAB OB meeting on the 18th of May 2011  Joint coordination by W.Jacoby und U.Weinrich  SMART process  Specific: Down to 4th level => about 400 detailed schedules Until first beam delivery to experiments  Measurable: about 20 activities per detailed schedule  Ambitious: attempt to reach politically communicated goals  Realistic: attempt to get commitment from work package leaders  Terminated: per definition

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 The scheduling process continued  Stepwise approach: Completeness Quality within accelerator part Quality between different accelerators parts and building  Machine project leaders (MPLs) are responsible for the schedule of their machine project (boundary conditions)  Optimistic schedule planning  not resources limited  Use of MS Project server

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/ BOE of the different buildings BOE Facility  Beneficial occupation estimate is the starting point for assembly and installation  Components need to be ready to meet these dates

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 Detailed status of scheduling process Accelerator (sub project) StructureQuantity Quality (MP internal) Quality (external) HEBTdefinedcompleteIn workNot yet started Super-FRSdefinedcompleteIn workNot yet started CRdefinedcompleteIn workNot yet started P-LinacdefinedcompleteIn workNot yet started SIS100definedcompleteIn workNot yet started HESRdefinedcompleteIn workNot yet started Pbar-separatordefinedcompleteIn workNot yet started Common SystemsdefinedIn workNot yet started

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 Results from the bottom up schedule  Identification of critical paths Examples will be given in the talks of the MPLs  Procurement strategy with the schedule as base:  Identification of long lead items of each MP (magnets, cavities, beam diagnostics)  Determination of packaging of components concerning procurement  Identification of in-kind providers  Parameter list and functional description will be used to establish detailed specs together with partners  Further determination of the funding profile from the procurement plan 9

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 Resource planning FAIR ACC  In-kind contributions Germany  PMA GSI and FZJ (cost book values escalated) International partners (according to cost book values)  Cash contributions to FAIR ACC (only international partners)  Manpower (FTEs deduced from the schedule):  Project management team (recruitment in progress)  Additional personnel for technical departments and groups (Document concerning strategically recruitment in preparation)  Collaboration with large scale facilities: Helmholtz centers (KIT, FZJ), CERN, IMP Lanzhou, DOE labs  Resource planning is supported by the managing adminstrative director of GSI – P. Hassenbach 10

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 Request for funding to the BMBF (Projektmittelantrag – PMA)  PMA BuE has been submitted (June 2011) Covers the German contribution to the accelerators and the experiments (project fund from the BMBF and Hessen)  German in-kind contributions provided via GSI  PMA HESR has been approved (BMBF and FZJ)  GSI applied for Pre-financing for SIS100-dipole, SC magnet test bench and the CR-debuncher  accepted and start of early procurement  Details will be provided by U. Weinrich  status in-kind contributions 11

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 PMA and inkind contracts 12  Workpackage descriptions for all WPs have been delivered to the BMBF in September  Preliminary schedule has to be provided  Required for funding approval Final IKC of CR-Debuncher completed  Template for IKC of SIS100 dipole series New proposals cover controls (common systems), p-Linac components and magnet testing (common systems)

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 Status of S&B planning activities 08 / 1109 / 1110 / 1111 / 11 completion of Lph (cost calculation) application for site roads and tree clearing (05.07) building application execution planning (Lph 5)

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 Requests from FAIR S&B and SiST 14  Collision check has been completed  4 cases have to be investigated in detail  Room specific data (until October 20th)  Cable data for cable routing and cable trays (until October 14th)  Component data (position, media etc. – November 1 st )  Fine tuning of infrastructure requirements (end of November)  Support for establishing the radiation safety documents from the MPLs

O. Kester, 6 th MAC meeting, Darmstadt, 10/10/2011 Summary 15  Project structure FAIR ACC established  FAIR ACC bottom up schedule now in the review phase  Recruitment and resource planning isin progress  Request for funding (Projektmittelantrag, PMA)  Early tendering process for CR de-buncher and SIS100 dipole series started  Data to be delivered to FAIR S&B and SiST