F2F Standard Indicator Table 3: Reporting on Outcomes and Impacts VEGA SPSP Brown Bag March 22, 2016
Inputs: Basically = volunteer technical assistance with some additional staff support ….leading to…. Outputs: Basically = volunteer recommendations & training …leading to… Outcomes: Basically = adoption of recommendations or host change in behavior, management practices and technologies (innovation) …leading to … Impacts: Productivity & income increases Improved social, human, & environmental capital F2F Table 3 F2F Development Hypothesis:
F2F Table 3 Presents outcome and impact indicator data Divided into categories of indicators Presents data on all hosts Ties back directly to Table 2 Shows actual annual figures, not change or increase The Basics: Reported twice over the LOP FY16 Annual Report (mid-term) FY18 Annual Report (final)
F2F Table 3 Monitor performance Focus our efforts To those ends, we will: Compare Table 3 data to baseline data to see change over time for individual hosts Consolidate data to identify early trends The Purpose: Tell the story of the program so far
F2F Table 3 The Mechanics: All hosts should be included If updated data can’t be obtained, repeat the baseline Hosts should be listed in Table 2 order Divided by year of first assignment, country, CP
F2F Table 3: Demographics Indicators: Host name Host country Host Country F2F Project Data of Impact Assessment Host Gender Institution Type
F2F Table 3: Beneficiaries Indicators: Actual Beneficiaries Members/Owners Employees Clients & Suppliers Family Members Total Actual Beneficiaries
F2F Table 3: Economic Impacts Indicators: Area under Improved Production Technology (ha) Annual Gross Sales (Revenue) (US$) Annual Net Income (US$)
F2F Table 3: Environmental Impacts Indicators: Area under Improved Environmental and Natural Resource Management (ha)
F2F Table 3: Financial Services Impacts Indicators: Annual Value of Rural/Agricultural Lending (US$) Number of Rural/Agricultural Loans Issued Annually
F2F Table 3: Organizational Impacts Indicators: Organizational Development Index (ODI) Rating Number of New or Improved Products and/or Services Resources Mobilized by Host
F2F Table 3: Recommendations Indicators: Number of Volunteer Recommendations Made Number of Volunteer Recommendations Adopted Economic Organizational Environmental Financial Total
F2F Table 3 Resources: Standard Indicator Definitions Indicator Table Template M&E Dos & Don’ts list ODI Template M&E Training
F2F Table 3 Questions & Answers: How do you report and verify information when hosts lack good records? −Document and keep a record of how you calculate the data you report, both at baseline and follow up data collection. This ensures consistent calculation across years. How should Table 3 data be collected? Should it be a comparison with the baseline? −Field staff should hold a fresh conversation. −Ask just about this year’s data, don’t set it up as a comparison or ask leading questions. −Try to corroborate data with documentation (ideal) or multiple sources (individuals) within an organization. −Keep notes on how any calculation is done so that it can be explained and done the same way in the future. Should hosts that are new in FY16 still be reported in Table 3 in FY16? −Yes, any host in Table 2 should be reported in Table 3. New hosts are expected to have the same baseline data in both tables. What if a host dies or goes out of business? Should we report zeros in Table 3? −If you are unable to collect follow up data on a host for any reason, report the baseline data in Table 3. This will allow us to assess change from the baseline—and change for those hosts should be zero (not negative).
F2F Table 3 Questions & Answers (continued): How should clients and suppliers be counted; for instance, if a host sells its produce at 2 roadside markets, selling to 10 buyers at each market, how many clients should be counted? −Follow the logic of your project—if the host is trying to branch out into new markets, then count 2 clients. If the host has been working on increasing quality to improve the appeal and sales of its produce, then count 20 clients. For land area, should we only follow up on the indicator for which a baseline was reported? −No, you can report on either land area indicator, regardless of whether or not anything was reported in Table 2 for that host. Should the same land area be counted for both area under improved production technologies and area under improved environmental and natural resource management (NRM)? −No, land area should be counted only once. If the host has improved both production technologies and NRM, count part of the total area for each indicator. What other indicators or additional information is useful? −Any custom indicators that make sense for your particular country project (number of you trained, for instance) −Any interesting information gathered from hosts is appreciated in report narratives or annexes −Especially sharing success stories, sector assessments or reports, etc.