Air Quality, Noise and Risk Graham Latonas Gartner Lee Limited
Air Quality Emission estimates prepared for a “reasonable worst case” Air quality assessed using CALPUFF and local wind data Focused on Criteria Air Contaminants (CO, SO 2, NO x, TSP, PM 2.5 ) and deposition of metals (Cu, Zn)
Air Quality Conclusions Indicator Thresholds for CO, NO 2, TSP, PM 2.5 exceeded on or near mine site; TSP exceeded at Grays Bay PAI estimated to exceed threshold and metals deposition considered “moderate” All impacts are local and reversible (with the exception of TSP and metal deposition) Impacts rated as “Not significant”
Noise Approach and Conclusions Adopted Alberta EUB noise guidelines (40 dBA at 1.5 km) Focus on engineering design and mitigation to maintain reasonable levels Impacts are reversible and local – Not significant