Chapter 1 Section 3 Luther Leads the Reformation
Section 3 Luther Leads the Reformation Main Idea Martin Luther’s protest over abuses in the Catholic Church led to the founding of Protestant churches Why it matters now Nearly one-fifth of the Christians in today’s world are Protestants
Causes of Reformation The Renaissance emphasis on the secular and the individual Challenges the Church’s authority Criticisms of the Catholic Church Patronized the Arts during Renaissance Spent extravagantly on personal pleasure Fought wars Had members who had wives and children Priests could not read or write Some members drank and gambled Early calls for reform People don’t need the Church to understand The Bible. Christian Humanists became popular
Luther Challenges the Church Wanted to be a good Christian Upset over the a friar selling indulgences Released a sinner from performing the penalty that a priest imposed for sins Issues 95 Theses Formal statements attacking the “pardon merchants” Nails the Theses to the door and invites people to debate him Printing press allows his ideas to spread quickly Begins the Reformation
Luther’s Teachings People could win salvation only by faith in God’s gift of forgiveness. Church teachings should be based on the words of the bible. People did not need Priests because all people with faith were equal The Response to Luther Word spread rapidly- Printing Press The Pope fear Luther and threatened him to stop Luther burned the threat and was excommunicated
The Emperor’s Opposition Holy Roman Emperor demands Luther stop Luther refused to recant Emperor issues the Edict of Worms Luther was an outlaw and heretic and should be refused food and shelter Luther goes into hiding for a year Comes back to find his followers call themselves Lutherans Peasants’ Revolt German peasants revolt against the serfdom They loot monasteries, pillage and loot Luther is horrified and does not support
Germany at War Germany princes supported Luther An excuse to take Church lands Loyal princes sided with the Emperor Those who supported Luther signed a protest Became know as Protestants Christians who are not Catholic England becomes Protestant England is Catholic at first Henry VIII wants a son Wanted a divorce to get a new wife Catholic Church does not allow divorce Pope would not grant an annulment Asks Parliament to Pass Act of Supremacy Gives King, not the pope power of church Forms Anglican Church
Consequences of Henry’s Changes Eventually has 6 wives One son is born and rules for a short time During this time England becomes devoutly Protestant When he dies, Henry VIII’s Catholic daughter Mary returns Kills a lot of Protestants After Mary dies Elizabeth takes the throne Elizabeth Restores Protestantism Sets up the Church of England Acceptable to most moderates Fights with Catholic king of Spain
The End 1212
Quiz A
1 - Martin Luther was a German monk who took a stand against priests selling what which released a sinner from performing the penalty that a priest imposed for sins?
2 - Martin Luther’s actions led to the religious reform movement called the Reformation and also led to the founding of Christian churches that did not accept whose authority?
3 - What was the name of the imperial order issued to Luther that stated he was an outlaw and heretic and should be refused food and shelter?
4 - After coming out of hiding Martin Luther discovered followers of his teachings created a new religious group called what?
5 - By 1500, there were approximately 10 million cheap books on many subjects that helped spread new ideas and led people to form their own opinions about what?
6 - In the late 1400s, many Italian artists and writers left for a safer life in Northern Europe because of what event?
7 - What type of Renaissance humanists expressed their social and religious concerns?