Fall of the Western Roman Empire
Key Questions 1.What was a major problem that Rome faced in the 100 to 200s AD? 2.What is corruption?
Key Terms Diocletiancorruption
Key Terms ClovisAttila
empire split, Constantine reunited empire, moved capital to Constantinople (Istanbul). Heading 1 : “Problems Threaten the Empire” Rome huge empire at one time; post-100s began losing land; Reasons: 1. too big; 2. constant attack; 3. diseases; 4. high taxes; 5. food shortages; 6. internal rebellions; Diocletian became emperor late 200s AD;
476 AD official end of the Western Roman Empire. Heading 2 : “Barbarians Invade Rome” German barbarians invade Roman territory; Huns attack Goths, Goths attack Rome; other groups attack other parts; Clovis, King of the Franks, built kingdom in Gaul; Attila the Hun attacks the east;
Heading 3 : “Factors in Rome’s Fall” 1. barbarian invasions; 2. empire too big, inefficient; 3. corruption big problem; 4. wealthy landowners left Rome, raised armies to protect estates; 5. poor people remained, Rome no longer great.