PEIMS Reporting Changes
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting The Classroom Link Data collection will be expanded to include grades Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten. The Prekindergarten and Kindergarten students will not be included in the Student Assessment Data Portal.
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting The Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Service IDs from C022 will be reportable in the school year.
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting New Data Elements for Classroom Link Data Reporting: E1558 – Student Instruction – Indicates the PK student type of instruction. Student Instruction is only reported from Pre- Kindergarten Service IDs. Student Instruction is supported by PEIMS code table C210 – Student Instruction Type Code
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting C210 – Student Instruction Type Code 01 - Full Day 02 - Half Day - Morning 03 - Half Day -Afternoon
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting New Data Elements for Classroom Link Data Reporting: E1555 – PK–SCHOOL-TYPE - Indicates the PK program that is offered at the campus. PK School Type is only reported from Pre- Kindergarten Service IDs. PK School Type is supported by PEIMS code table C209 – PK School Type Code.
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting C209 – PK School Type Code 01 - Non-Public Pre-K Head Start 02 - Public Pre-K 05 - Non-Public Pre-K Licensed Child Care 07 - Public Pre-K Head Start 08 - Public Pre-K Licensed Child Care 09 - None 99 - Other
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting New Data Elements for Classroom Link Data Reporting: E1579 – PK–CURRICULA - Indicates curricula used in the district’s prekindergarten program. TEC (c)(6). PK Curricula is only reported from Pre- Kindergarten Service IDs. PK Curricula is supported by PEIMS code table C206 – PK-CURRICULA-CODE.
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting C206 – PK Curricula Code 01 - The Texas DLM Early Childhood Express 02 - Opening the World of Learning: Texas Comprehensive Pre-K 03 - Scholastic Big Day for PreK Texas Program 04 - HighScope Preschool Curriculum and Assessment
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting C206 – PK Curricula Code (continued) 05 - Frog Street Pre-K Texas System 06 - Teaching Strategies System for Pre-K, Texas Edition 07 - We Can! Texas Classroom System 99 - Other
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting New Data Elements for Classroom Link Data Reporting: E1580 – HIGH ‐ QUALITY ‐ PK ‐ PROGRAM ‐ INDICATOR - Indicates campus participation in the High Quality Grant Program Funding at an LEA if the district meets all program standards required under subchapter TEC (b).
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting New Data Elements for Classroom Link Data Reporting: High Quality PK Program Indicator is only reported from Pre-Kindergarten Service IDs. High Quality PK Program Indicator is supported by PEIMS code table C088 – Participation- Code. 0 – Student Does not Participate 1 – Student Does Particip ate
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting Classroom Aides are reportable as being assigned to a Prekindergarten Course Section. PEIMS Code Table C180 - Class Role has a new code to collect this data. –04 - PK Classroom Aide - Indicates that the Classroom Aide (Role Id 033) serves the Teacher of Record on a regular or irregular basis in the Pre-Kindergarten classroom. (Valid for Submission 3 only.)
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting Classroom Aides are reportable as being assigned to a Prekindergarten Course Section. Role ID 033 is added to the Classroom Link Data Collection as a valid role, but is only valid for the Pre-Kindergarten Service ID course sections. –Staff reported with Role ID 033 must be reported with Class Role 04 - PK Classroom Aide.
High Quality PK Program/ECDS PEIMS Reporting Family-Engagement-Criteria-Link E1583 indicates the internet website link for LEAs to provide their Family Engagement Plan. The FAMILY-ENGAGEMENT-CRITERIA-LINK will need to remain active for as long as the district is using funds for a High Quality Pre-K program.
Primary Disability, Multiply Disabled, and LEP Indicator Code Location and submission changes
Primary Disability, Multiply Disabled, and LEP Indicator Code The LEP Indicator Code, Primary Disability Code, and Multiply Disabled Code reporting requirements have changed for the school year.
Primary Disability, Multiply Disabled, and LEP Indicator Code For many years, the Primary Disability, Multiply Disabled, and LEP Indicator Codes have been reported as part of the attendance data in submission 3. In recent years, the codes were included with the Optional Flexible School Day Program attendance data.
Primary Disability, Multiply Disabled, and LEP Indicator Code An additional purpose for the LEP Indicator Code in the summer collection is to identify LEP students for the accountability ratings is sued by TEA.
Primary Disability, Multiply Disabled, and LEP Indicator Code For , the Primary Disability, Multiply Disabled, and LEP Indicator Codes are being added to the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationExtension Complex Type. This will allow TEA to know the exact disability and LEP codes at the time of a particular disciplinary removal.
Primary Disability, Multiply Disabled, and LEP Indicator Code For , because the Primary Disability, Multiply Disabled, and LEP Indicator Codes are being added to the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationExtension Complex Type, these three codes will no longer be associated with student attendance data; regular or OFSDP.
Primary Disability, Multiply Disabled, and LEP Indicator Code For , the LEP Indicator Code will remain on the StudentExtension Complex for both Submission 1 and 3. The LEP Indicator Code is reported as the student’s end of year status for Submission 3.
Primary Disability, Multiply Disabled, and LEP Indicator Code For , the Primary Disability, Multiply Disabled, and LEP Codes are being removed from the Submission 4.
Multiple Disabilities defined in Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §300.8 (7) (7) (7) Multiple disabilities means concomitant impairments (such as mental retardation-blindness or mental retardation-orthopedic impairment), the combination of which causes such severe educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for one of the impairments. Multiple disabilities does not include deaf-blindness.
Accountability– Fourth Domain FHSP-COILLEGE-CAREER-INSTRUCTION-INDICATOR CODE Indicates whether a student in grades seven or eight has received instruction in preparing for high school, college, and a career that includes information regarding the creation of a high school personal graduation plan under TEC , the distinguished level of achievement described by TEC (b-15), each endorsement described by TEC (c-1), college readiness standards, and potential career choices and the education needed to enter those careers. Submissions 1 and 3
Accountability– Fifth Domain Community and Student Engagement Indicators –Per HB 2804 TEA must collect from all schools their choice of 3 out of the 8 CASE Indicators and ratings criteria that the schools will rate themselves on. The categories are: Fine Arts Wellness and Physical Education Community and Parental Involvement 21 st Century Workforce Development Program Second Language Acquisition Program Digital Learning Environment Drop Out Prevention Strategies Education Programs for Gifted and Talented
Accountability– Fifth Domain o CASE choices will be collected in Sub 3. o JJAEP’s, DAEPS, and Juvenile Detention Center campuses are exempt from this reporting. CASE Ratings Criteria Link –Per (a)(1)(B) and (a)(1)(c), criteria must be submitted to TEA indicating how the district will evaluate performance and assign ratings. It also states that the information will be made available on the district/campus internet site.
Accountability– Fifth Domain In order to address this requirement, new elements and a code table have been added for the school year and will be reported in Submission 3: o FIRST–CASE–CHOICE–CODE o SECOND–CASE–CHOICE–CODE o THIRD–CASE–CHOICE–CODE o CASE–RATINGS–CRITERIA–LINK
Accountability Ratings How the 5 Domains contribute to the accountability ratings: o Domains 1, 2, and 3 contribute a max of 55% of the score. o Domain 4 contributes a max of 35% of the score. o Domain 5 contributes a max of 10% of the score.
Leaver Documentation No changes-make sure and follow the documentation requirements in Appendix 8.D Incarcerated in a state jail or federal penitentiary as an adult does not include county jail TEA is switching from matching on social security matching on UID – on underreported leavers – if UID is retired they may show on the underreported – TEA is trying to put measures into place to help match those that have been retired
Leaver Documentation During the Summer 2016 ESC PEIMS Coordinator Training a question arose regarding Leaver Code 60 (Student is home schooled) and the data used in Leaver Records Data Validation related to use of this code (and all other exit and dropout codes). Here is the response from the Division of Research and Analysis: To conduct the Leaver Records Data Validation analysis PBM uses the status for the student after the data have been processed not the as it was reported into the agency. Therefore if a district reported a student with Leaver Code 60 to the agency, but it was determined that the student was actually a mover, then PBM would not include that student in the analysis for the anomalous use of a leaver code indicator because they would be documented as a mover not as with Leaver Code 60.