Apprenticeships: Issues raised by disabled people Presented by Rundip Thind
Disabled Student Helpline T: Tuesday and Thursdays 11am to 1pm. E: Advise on post 16, education, training and employment matters. Provide information on range of issues such as applying to FE and HE, apprenticeships, support on courses, funding and welfare benefits.
Into Apprenticeships Designed to provide answers to the most common questions received through the student helpline. All the information in one place Contains series of student stories written by disabled people about their experiences Some messages about the barriers, how to overcome them and where we would like to see change.
Into Apprenticeships What is an apprenticeship? How do I apply? How do I decide whether to tell people about being disabled / having a learning difficulty / health condition ? How do I get support from the college or training provider? How do I get support from the employer? What happens to my benefits?
Apprenticeship: Employment Hours Apprentice aged 17 is unable to continue with 30 hour work placement. The training provider advised that they are unable to reduce the placement hours to less than 30 as they are tied by the funding rules around apprenticeships. Advised - Can train apprentices who work part-time for fewer than 30 hours a week, by exception, due to personal situations or because of the industry or job role. This could be disability.
Apprenticeships: Maths and Engish Apprentice aged 24 on a Business Admin Apprenticeship. Passed English qualification but had been unable to achieve required Maths level. Tried twice. Raised the issue with BIS. Issue arose around the same time the government had announced a taskforce to help people with learning disabilities to access apprenticeships – led by MP Paul Maynard. We expressed views to Ministers on the Maths and English requirements.
BIS adjusts the minimum standard of English and maths required (to entry level 3) for a defined group of apprentices with learning difficulties and disabilities who are able to meet the occupational standard but will struggle to achieve English and maths qualifications at the level normally required. The taskforce recommends that further work is done to define this group and its potential volume, and quantify the impact any changes will have on people with LDD. BIS investigates potential changes to the method of assessments for English and maths for targeted groups as some people with LDD may be able to demonstrate the minimum requirements in the workplace, but be unable to complete a formal assessment.
Apprenticeships: Benefits Wanted to know affect of apprenticeship on benefit entitlement. Apprenticeship of 30 hours per week. Will I lose my ESA? If yes, what can I claim instead? What happens to my housing benefit? Council tax support?
Apprenticeship: Support What is Access to Work? How can it help? What help can I expect from the college?
Disability Rights UK Publications help/benefits-information/factsheets/factsheets- alphabetical-order Education factsheets and guides