Tongue Twister A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood
Big Billy, who had a big belly was also a big bully
How do you feel in class and at breaks at school? If you‘re sometimes teased, how do you deal with it?
So what is bullying? Bullying is when someone or a group of people with more power repeatedly and intentionally causes hurt or harm to another person or group of people who feel helpless to respond. Bullying can continue over time, is often hidden from adults and will probably continue if no action is taken.
Types of bullying Verbal When someone is called names, threatened and made to feel bad Physical When someone is hit, punched, pushed or have their personal items stolen and any other kind of physical, aggressive contact Social When someone is left out of games, ignored and has bad things spread about them and made to feel like an outsider Cyber This type of bullying can be chat rooms, online, instant messaging, on a mobile phone or even s
Types of bullying Cyber bullying Verbal bullying
Types of bullying Social bullying Physical bullying
Why people bully? Someone's appearance ( hair colour or style, height) Someone's race Someone's religion Someone's nationality Someone's sexual orientation Someone being jealous
The Effects of bullying 1.Feeling afraid 2.Depression / sadness 3.Unable to sleep / having nightmares 4.Performing badly at school 5.Not wanting to go to school 6.Loss in appetite 7.Stomach aches 8.Headaches 9.Loss in self- confidence 10.Phobia 11.A temptation into bullying out of revenge 12.Bullycide (suicide caused due to bullying)
If you are being bullied you should: Speak to someone you trust or an adult. If you're a student see if your school has a counselor and try to talk to them. If the adults don't get the message tell a close friend at school or someone else you are close to. Remember bullies thrive on the fear they are given when you are being bullied so don't let them get you down. If the bullying gets worse don't feel alone there are people out there to help you.