1.How was the economy and the American population mobilized for war? 2.How did the government maintain support for the war?
Only 120,000 soldiers in early 1917 – Teddy offers help Selective Service Act – drafts 3 mil men Ground troops only fought for 8 months New opp. for women and Af-Am
War Revenue Act of 1917 passed to increase taxes Gov’t borrows $ from citizens in the form of Liberty Bonds
Authority to regulate all materials needed in the war effort Determined which factories would convert to war production
Food Administration created to manage food production Goal was to increase production and conserve food Provided incentives for farmers Encouraged Americans to grow victory gardens Limited alcohol content Conserve energy and fuel Day light savings
National War Labor Board created arbiter between labor/business to prevent strikes Granted concessions to workers (8hr day, equal pay for women) in return for promise not to strike during war
When men left their jobs to go to the front others came to fill their places Northern factories recruited Af-Am labor from South Great Migration Women: new job opportunities for duration of war
Committee on Public Information created Celebrities utilized Patriotic posters and pamphlets Newspapers self-censored Elimination of German influence on American culture
Espionage Act Punished people for aiding the enemy or refusing military duty Sedition Act Criminalized speaking out against the war, government, military, flag Harsh penalties for “obstructing war effort” Eugene Debs jailed Schenck v. United States: limits free speech during war