#SkillsNI Skills Northern Ireland is your chance to discover what’s out there and who you could be, how to get there and ultimately find the career you’ll love! Organised by:
What are the sorts of things I can expect from Skills Northern Ireland?
What can I gain? Access to a full range of exciting and ambitious pathways, including: Jobs with study options Further and higher education Training courses Apprenticeships
Who will I meet? Future Employers Colleges and Universities Careers Advisors Training Providers
How should I prepare for it? Visit the website to see what/who you would be interested in seeing Think of some questions you want to ask exhibitors before you arrive Follow us on Facebook/Twitter/ Instagram to get involved in some pre-event activities! Do the careers quiz with DFE Careers Service NI
Event features not to be missed: The Skills Showcase features products created by individuals as part of their job or training The Careers Zone gives you the chance to have one-to-one advice from the experts. The Get Skilled stands offers you knowledge about key industries. Discover new talents and try loads of different skills The Live Opportunities Board aims to provide you with the chance to find out about current vacancies available in Northern Ireland
Follow us! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get involved in some pre-event activities, including competitions and keep updated with exciting exhibitors booking in Skill_NI thecareersevents