Digital Electronics Lecture 1: Overview A. Prof. Dr. M. Moustafa Dept. of Electrical Power & Machines Cairo University
2 Teaching Materials: –Text Book : Digital Logic Design: Moris Mano, 4 th Edition –TA: (Eng. Hussain Hassan, Eng. M. Alnajjar) Attending classes is important !! Important Notes :
3 Hierarchy of Computation ProblemProblem Algorithm s Programming in High-Level Language Programming in High-Level Language Compiler/Assembler/LinkerCompiler/Assembler/Linker Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) BinaryBinary System architecture Target Machine (one implementation) Target Machine (one implementation) Micro-architectureMicro-architecture Functional units/ Building blocks Functional units/ Building blocks Gates Level Design Design TransistorsTransistorsManufacturingManufacturing
4 Hierarchy of Computation ProblemProblem Algorithm s Programming in High-Level Language Programming in High-Level Language Compiler/Assembler/LinkerCompiler/Assembler/Linker Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) BinaryBinary System architecture Target Machine (one implementation) Target Machine (one implementation) Micro-architectureMicro-architecture Functional units/ Building blocks Functional units/ Building blocks Gates Level Design Design TransistorsTransistorsManufacturingManufacturing System Level Human Level RTL Level Logic Level Circuit Level Silicon Level
5 Our Focus in 2030 Hierarchy of Computation ProblemProblem Algorithm s Programming in High-Level Language Programming in High-Level Language Compiler/Assembler/LinkerCompiler/Assembler/Linker Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) BinaryBinary System architecture Target Machine (one implementation) Target Machine (one implementation) Micro-architectureMicro-architecture Functional units/ Building blocks Functional units/ Building blocks Gates Level Design Design TransistorsTransistorsManufacturingManufacturing System Level Human Level RTL Level Logic Level Circuit Level Silicon Level
6 Zoom-in a System Component
7 Moore’s Law Exponential growth 2,250 Transistor count will be doubled every 18 months Gordon Moore, Intel co-founder 42millions 1.7 billions Montecito 10 μm 13.5mm μm 596 mm 2
8 Integrated Circuit Complexity Source: Intel
9 Minimum Feature Size We are currently at 0.065µm (65nm) and moving towards 0.045µm
10 Average Transistor Price per year Source: Dataquest
11 Processor Market Segmentation High Performance (e.g. IBM Power5, G5, Intel 32/64, Itanium, Pentium4, Sun T1, etc) High Performance (e.g. IBM Power5, G5, Intel 32/64, Itanium, Pentium4, Sun T1, etc) Embedded / low-power (e.g. Intel Xscale, ARM, MIPS) Embedded / low-power (e.g. Intel Xscale, ARM, MIPS) Special purpose (e.g. DSP, NVidia GForce) Special purpose (e.g. DSP, NVidia GForce)
12 Analog Signal vs. Digital So, why Digital?
13 Binary Signals So, why Binary?
14 Voltage Range of Binary Signals 0.0 Volts 1.0 Volts 2.0 Volts 3.0 Volts 4.0 Volts 5.0 Volts INPUT OUTPUT HIGH (1) LOW (0) HIGH (1) LOW (0)
16 A Generic Intel-based PC System Your CPU here
17 Dual-Core Itanium 2 (Montecito)