Class Syllabus Lecture Syllabus Laboratory Syllabus Q&A about this class Outlines 2/23
Instructor information Name: Young Hwan Kim ( 김 영 환 ) Office: Room 405. LG Bldg Telephone: Home page: Office hours 15:30-16:00 Monday, Wednesday I also suggest you to make an individual arrangement when you feel it necessary by writing me an or by making a phone call. Class Synopsis 3/23
Class objectives of EE273 (Digital System Design) To VERY BRIEFLY overview the technologies of logic circuits: RTL, TTL, ECL, CMOS ( 논리회로의 Overview) To study the design methodology for digital systems ( 디지 털 시스템의 설계 방법론 ) Combinational logic design Sequential system design Hands-on design experience through laboratory projects ( 실제 설계 및 실험 ) Class size: 49/50 enrollments (as of Aug. 26, 2016) Prerequisites: None Class Synopsis 4/23
Major obligatory subject for electrical engineering students ( 전공 필수 ); All EE students are supposed to take EE273, preferably at the Sophomore level. This is an English-only class by the University policy Class composition: Lecture + Laboratory Lecture-Laboratory-Units: Lecture Lecture hours: 11:00–12:15, Monday and Wednesday Lecture room: Room 105, LG Building Class Synopsis 5/23
Laboratory Laboratory hours: 8:00 PM – 9:40 PM, Monday Laboratory room: 404 (40 students) & 503 (30 students), Eng-2 Building Laboratory proceeding plan: two laboratory classes Class Synopsis Brief lab lecture by TA Lab A Experiments Lab B Experiments 100 min 15~20 min 6/23
Teaching assistants TA working styles: possibilities Class Synopsis TA 1TA 2TA 3 Lab A (32 students)Lab B (17 students) Lecture TA 1TA 2 Lab A (25)Lab B (24)Lecture 임진하 김경환 한소담 7/23
VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS Class attendance requirements Lecture: You need to attend the class lectures more than 75%. Otherwise, whatever the reason is, you end up with class failure (F). This is a regulation enforced by the Ministry of education. Laboratory: You need to attend the laboratory more than 90%. Otherwise, class failure (F). If you cannot check in the lecture using your student ID card for any reason, report me right after the class and then write ( ) me again later. I will correct your attendance in the end of the semester. Class Synopsis 8/23
VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS The first laboratory class will be held as follows. September 5 (Today) LG-105 (Very this room) Class Synopsis 9/23
VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS Grading policy Lecture (Total 65%) Laboratory (Total 35%) Class Synopsis 10/23 Lecture Grading (Total 65%) Assignments: 10% Midterm examination: 25%, Final examination: 30%
Laboratory Grading (Total 35%): Weight decomposition is subject to change, respecting TAs’ opinions. Tentatively, the weights are as follows. Experiment report (Attendance required) 10%, Quiz (Short examination to be taken berore the lab class starts) 10% Laboratory project 15% Project proposal 2% Project report 5% Project demo 8% Class Synopsis 11/23
Laboratory course is guided by TAs. The Laboratory project is very tough. Much tougher than you think. Laboratory can accommodate only 60 students at maximum, considering the equipments and space available. Some of the higher-level classes: Microprocessors Computer Architecture VLSI System Design (ECE 571) Miscellaneous Information 12/23
Lecture Syllabus FALL 2015 YOUNG HWAN KIM ( 김 영 환 )
Lecture Objectives To provide the basic knowledge necessary for digital system design Combinational logic design Sequential system design Examination schedule Midterm examination 26 October (Wednesday) Final examination 14 December (Wednesday) Lecture 14/23
Textbook Randy Katz and Gatetano Borriello, Contemporary Logic Design, 2 nd Ed., 2005, Pearson/Prentice Hall References Digital system design is a kind of well established engineering course. Any books about digital logic design will be fine. John Wakerly, Digital Design Principles and Practices, 2005, Prentice Hall References: Easy to understand with details Charles Roth, Jr., Fundamentals of Logic Design, West Publishing Company Alan Marcovitz, Introduction to Logic and Computer Design, 2008, Mc Graw Hill Morris Mano and Charles R. Kime, Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, 2004, Prentice Hall Textbook and References 15/23
4 topics Lecture Schedule Combinational Logic Sequential System Number System and Circuits Introduction (Independent study) 16/23
WeekContents Short introduction 1Chap. 1/Chap. 2: Combinational Logic Combinational logic 2Chap. 2: Combinational Logic Minimization (Boolean Expression, K-map) 3-4Chap. 3: Working with Combinational Logic (Quine-McClusky, Espresso, Time Response) 5-6Chap. 4: Combinational Logic Technology 7Chap. 5: Case Studies in CL Design (Logic Function Unit, Adder) Lecture Schedule 17/23
Midterm Exam. 8Chap. 6 / App. C: Sequential Logic Design 9Chap. 7: Finite State Machines 10-12Chap. 8: Working with Finite State Machines 13 Chap. 9: Sequential Logic Technologies Chap. 10: Case Studies in Sequential Logic Design 14-15App. A/Chapter 5: Number System Final Exam Lecture Schedule (Modified) 18/23
Laboratory Syllabus FALL 2016 YOUNG HWAN KIM ( 김 영 환 ) 19
Laboratory objectives Understanding the lecture material through associated experiments Developing abilities to design and implement digital systems Laboratory consists of the following five subjects How to use basic equipments Small projects Experiments with discrete components PLD experiments Lab project (either discrete component project or PLD project) Laboratory 20/23
Laboratory Huins’ EasyFPGA-COMBO for PLD experiments 21/23
Subject to change ■Week 1: Introduction / Lecture (Equipments) / ■ Lab lecture ■Week 2/3: Small Projects (Soldering required) ■Weeks : HW Labs – Laboratory manual (by Leach) SW Labs ■Weeks 11–14: Project Implementation ■Week (12/7-14): Demonstration (Report due) Laboratory Schedule 22/23
Laboratory The detailed laboratory syllabus will be discussed in the lab class. LG 105 8:00 PM, Today 23/23