7 Things to Consider when Choosing A Nonprofit Crowdfunding Platform David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Branding Can you use your logo & color scheme? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Branding Can you use your logo & color scheme? Does it integrate with your website? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Branding Can you use your logo & color scheme? Does it integrate with your website? Is your brand or the platform’s brand more prominent? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Time Savers Is tax receipting included? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Time Savers Is tax receipting included? Can you view & export the donor history and donor contact information? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Time Savers Is tax receipting included? Can you view & export the donor history and donor contact information? Can you communicate with donors quickly and easily? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Social Networking Is the campaign easily shared on social media? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Social Networking Is the campaign easily shared on social media? How simple is it for your supporters to set up their own page? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Fundraising Pages Is there a limit on the number of fundraising pages you can have? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Fundraising Pages Is there a limit on the number of fundraising pages you can have? Can donors customize their own fundraising page? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Fundraising Pages Is there a limit on the number of fundraising pages you can have? Can donors customize their own fundraising page? Can you record offline donations? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Pricing Are all costs clearly outlined? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Pricing Are all costs clearly outlined? Are there additional set up fees? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Pricing Are all costs clearly outlined? Are there additional set up fees? Do you have to sign a contract? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Pricing Are all costs clearly outlined? Are there additional set up fees? Do you have to sign a contract? What are the transaction fees? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Pricing Are all costs clearly outlined? Are there additional set up fees? Do you have to sign a contract? What are the transaction fees? Are fees charged for offline donations? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Payment Gateways Are you limited to which payment gateway you can use for online donations? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
Customer Support Problems happen. How do you contact customer service? What is a typical response time? David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH
David McWilliams Web: David McWilliams - CEO & Founder of REACH